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The crowd at The Staples Center was massive. Thousands of screams filled the arena. Hundreds of signs were held up high for us to see. Chants were heard all around the arena. The thrill of singing on stage with my best mates by my side. The thrill of meeting fans. The thrill of the flashing lights and camera flashes.

This was my life.

For the entire hour and thirty minutes I'm on stage, I can't help but smile and mentally thank every single fan for the life they've given me. If it wasn't for them, I'd be back in Bradford, trying to support my mum and sisters. Because they are my world. They mean everything to me, especially my mum.

When the concert finally ends, we thank the crowd and exit. With sweat trickling down our faces and our throats dry, we sit on the small couch the arena had backstage and just relax a bit, trying to cool off.

"Good job out there, lads. That was great." Paul said, giving each of us a pat on the shoulder. I took my ear pieces out of my ears and sat them on the table, trying to recollect myself.

"So, Leann, how did it feel being up on stage tonight?" Liam asked the blonde, as she cuddled up close to Niall.

"At first, I felt like I was gonna hurl. But by the third song, I really enjoyed it. It felt quite amazing. Now I understand how you boys feel when your up there."

"Well, I'm glad babe." Niall replied, before pressing a kiss to her forehead. Too much lovey dovey crap for me. I stood up from the couch and walked towards the bathroom, before running into someone, them falling to the floor. I panicked, as I looked down and saw Alaska on the floor.

"Alaska! I'm so sorry! I didn't even notice you. Here lemme help you up." I said, before grabbing her and pulling her to her feet.

"I just wanted to tell you that you and your friends put on a good show. You guys sure know how to make an audience laugh. You guys aren't half bad singers either."

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it." I replied to her, before wipping my face with my shirt.

"The girl that opened up for you guys; what's her name?"

"Leann, why?"

"She has a good voice. I like her," She said with a smile. "Isn't she that one girl that sent her ex-boyfriend to prison for the rest of his life because of what he did to her?" She asks, before crossing her arms across her chest.

"Yeah. It was live on TV."

"I know, I watched it." My mouth dropped open, forming a perfect 'o'. I couldn't find the words to say. She sighed out of frustration, before pushing some of her brunette hair behind her ear.

"Zayn, I haven't been blind my entire life. I'm so sick and tried of people assuming that I was born this way. They always assume." She said, anger in her voice.

"Alaska, do you want somebody to talk to about this?" She bit her lip, before shaking her head and sighing. Maybe she was uncomfortable talking about it.

"How 'bout this, Zayn," She began, before stepping closer towards me. "When you decide to open up about why you went to that club the other day, I will open up and explain everything. Until then, I don't want to talk to you, or anyone besides my best friend and my brother about anything. Deal?" She said at me angrily, as she crossed her arms and waited for my reply. There's always a stipulation, isn't there?

"Fine, you gotta deal." With that, she looped her arm through mine and asked me to take her to the nearest couch. So, I did.


Alaska {Zayn Mailk} [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now