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As I walked into the kitchen the next morning, I saw Alaska ad Hope sitting at the table, arguing over something.

"Ali, c'mon, why do you have to be so stubborn about this?"

"Because I refuse to do it. I don't care what you, or Bub says. I won't."


"Don't 'Ali' me. I'm not doing it." That's when Hope looked over and saw me standing there. She pointed at Alaska and asked for help. I shrugged, before walking over to the table and sitting down.

"Who just sat down?" Alaska asked, feeling the table trying to find my hand.

"Zayn just sat down," Hope replied, before pulling the brunette's hand back to herself. "Zayn, can you please tell Ali here that learning Braille is actually a good thing for her." What have I dragged myself into?

"I'm not gonna listen to him. I don't care what he says." What did I do to her?

"Ali, stop being so damn stubborn!" Hope said, slamming her fist against the table. I guess it was my turn to step in.

"Alaska, learning Braille isn't a bad thing. It'll come to your advantage-"

"You don't know what's good, or bad for me, Malik! I don't need it and I certainly don't need you!" With that, she stormed away from the kitchen. Hope and I exchanged looks, both of us confused on what just happened. Hope sighed, as she took a sip of whatever was in her mug. I stood up and walked towards the fridge, grabbing the container of orange juice.

"I don't know what you did to piss her off, but she certainly doesn't like you." Hope said, causing me to turn and face her.

"All I did was ask if she wanted to talk anything and she flipped. That's all."

"Like I told you, give her time and she'll open up about everything. You just need to get on her good side, again." I hate to admit it, but she's right. I must've rubbed her the wrong way. I shouldn't have asked her to tell me what happened. I needed to apologize for being the way I was with her. I knew that much for sure.

I looked in the living room and the den, even the closets. I was about to give up, until I checked Hope's room. I opened the door slowly, only to reveal a brunette with a guitar in her lap. She tried strumming, but got chords mixed up. She tried looking down at the frets, but only groaned in frustration. She threw her head back and sighed, before pushing the guitar off her lap and hugging her knees close to herself. I opened the door wider, before walking into the room.

"Hello?" She said.

"It's Zayn."

She groaned out of frustration. "I don't have anything to say to you." She stated, before burying her face in her arms. I sat down in front of her and ran my fingers through my hair.

"I just came to apologize for being a dick. It was wrong of me." I said, as she lifted her head in shock. "We kind of started off on the wrong foot. I'd like to make it up to you." With that, she pulled all of her hair to her right shoulder and started braiding it. I don't honestly know if she was trying to find the words to say, or if she was just ignoring me.

"I guess I can forgive you," She said, before letting the braid fall apart. "I should probably apologize as well. I was kinda rude to you yesterday."

"Don't worry about it, it's okay." I replied, before fiddling my thumbs. That's when a silence filled the room. Nobody talked, nobody moved. We just sat there. It was kind of awkward for a bit.

"Ali! Landon is here." Hope hollered from down the stairs. I looked at the brunette, as I stood to my feet and helped her off the floor. As she walked down the stairs, I followed slowly behind her. Just as she reached the wooden floor, Landon grabbed her hand and pulled her into a protective big brother hug.

Alaska {Zayn Mailk} [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now