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-Few Hours Later-

"Alright lads! Take about a ten minute break, then we'll run through your songs one last time before you get ready." I heard Paul holler to the boys. Once their footsteps faded backstage, Landon patted my knee, causing me to smile.

"What do you think of the boys?" He asked me.

"They're actually pretty good acapella." I replied, running my fingers through my hair. I heard Landon chuckle beside me, a small smile appearing on my face.

"I agree."

Landon was still a bit on edge about the whole Zayn and I situation a couple nights ago. He doesn't like the fact that Zayn didn't ask him to take me out to eat. He said its the respectful thing to do and it hurt his feelings. That's why I'm not going to tell him about Zayn kissing me, because Lord knows how well that'll turn out.

"What are you thinkin' so hard about?" He asked me, breaking me from my thoughts. I couldn't tell him that I was thinking of Zayn, because this trip we're on would come to an end. I thought I could tell Landon everything, but this is something best kept secret.

"Nothing." I told him. I heard him sigh "Can I be left alone for a bit?" I asked him. He sighed, giving my knee another pat, before standing up from the seat and walking away. Once I knew I was alone, I leaned forward and rested my forearms on the chair in front of me. I didn't understand why I felt like I needed to be alone. But, I guess I just needed some time to think over things. Especially when it came to Zayn.

Although it was just a simple kiss that happened, I couldn't help myself but to think of what would happen if Zayn and I tried a relationship. Ever since Devon, I've became too scared to even try and pursue another relationship with someone else. Thanks to Devon, I've built up a wall that no one would even dare try and climb over, or break them down for that matter. He has ruined me. He's stolen my pride and I can't get it back.

When it came to Zayn, he's as broken as I am. Maybe even worse. His last relationship left him alone and shattered. And it's clear how much he cared for her. Does he have walls built around him? Probably. Do I want to try and breakdown those walls? I truthfully don't know.

I sighed, before cautiously standing up from the seat I was sitting in. I then started walking around the arena we were in slowly, just so I wouldn't run into anything. Which was one of the downsides to being blind. You run into things that stick out like sore thumbs. And I did that a lot.



"Someone seems happy today." Niall said, nudging me in my side. I chuckled, before picking up a water bottle.

"Maybe." I replied, twisting the cap off of the bottle. "You'll never know, though." I added, smirking at him and taking a drink of the water. Niall crossed his arms, a pouting expression on his face. I nearly choked on my water because of how ridiculous he looked. I twisted the cap back on, setting it on the stool beside me. "Speaking of being happy, tell me why your so happy." I said. His face turned a bright shade of crimson, telling me he was hiding something. I know Niall better than the other lads, so I know when he's holding something back.

"No reason." He quickly responded. I shook my head in disappointment, crossing my arms.

"Oh really now?" I said, before I leaned in closer to him. "I saw the ring, Nialler. You don't have to lie to me." I whispered, patting him on the shoulder. He rubbed the back of his neck, sighing deeply, before smiling.

"I love her, Zayn."

"I know you do. I'm happy for you two." He gave me a brotherly hug, before patting my shoulder.

Alaska {Zayn Mailk} [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now