Twenty-eight (Part Two)

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"Daddy?" I said, tears starting to roll down my face. He smiled, before walking towards me and wrapping his arms around me. I clung to him with every ounce of strength I could muster up. He chuckled at me, gently rubbing my back.

"My baby girl," He said, pulling away from me and grabbing my hands, twirling me around in a circle slowly. "Look at you. All grown up." He added, causing me to look at the ground. I took a deep breath, before looking back up at him.

"I miss you so much, dad." I whispered, as he wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Oh Ali, you know I've never left you." He said, as he led me to one of the pews to sit.

"I know." I replied, resting my head on his shoulder. "I just wish you were still here." He chuckled at me softly, grabbing my hand and holding it firmly in his.

"I'm always with you," He said. "I'm always in your heart." We then sat there in silence for awhile, I having no idea what to talk about. He probably knew everything going in in my life by just standing over my shoulder - in spirit.

"Do you know how mom is?" I asked, hoping he knew something. That's when he sighed deeply, before telling me that she still lived in Florida, but she was remarried. He continued to explain that she didn't have anymore kids, because nobody could replace her love for us. "If she loved us, she wouldn't have left and dropped me off at Landon's."

"She loves you two more than she loves herself, Ali." He told me, as I lifted my head off his shoulder. "You do know that, don't you?" He asked me. I sighed, shrugging my shoulders, before looking around the sanctuary, old memories of when I was younger coming back.

"Why didn't I die in that car accident?" I asked him, as I felt tears forming in my eyes. Dad looked at me, a worried - yet confused look - on his face.

"Because it wasn't your time to go. He didn't want you home yet."

"I just hate that I'm a burden. Zayn does so much for me and I can't repay him for how much he's done." I said, looking down at my lap, as my dad rubbed small circles on my back.

"Do you love this Zayn?" My dad asked.

"More than anything."

"How did you meet him?" He continued, as I stood up from the pew and walked up to the pulpit. I rested my forearms against the wood, before I felt a small on my face.

"I ran into him at the airport - literally. I went with Hope to pick up her cousin, who is in the same band as Zayn," I said. "Not to be rude dad, but how are these questions relevant?"

"It's like this," My dad began, as he turned into the pastor he was. "If you were to pass away in the accident, you wouldn't have met Zayn. You wouldn't have ran into him. You becoming blind was God's way of showing you than you have more life to live." I nodded in agreement, before tapping my fingers against the pulpit, as my dad stood in front of me, hands in his pockets.

"But what if I want to give up?" I asked, avoiding his gaze. I could feel him tense up, as he stepped away from me.


"I can't do it anymore, dad. I'm tired of living in the dark."

"Alaska Renee, you can't give up. Not now." My dad said sternly, as he walked away from me.

Alaska {Zayn Mailk} [Book Two]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora