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Words can't describe how sad I am to see this story end. I loved writing it so much, that I hate to see it end. But, the story of Alaska and Zayn is over.

The idea for this came to me while I was writing 'Fall'. I was laying in bed when suddenly, the idea hit me. I knew I wanted something to happen to Alaska, but I didn't know what at first, until I decided on her becoming blind from the car accident.


At first, her name wasn't going to be Alaska, meaning this story was going to be titled completely different. In the beginning, her name was going to be Jamie. But then I started reading 'Looking For Alaska' by John Green (if you haven't read it, I highly recommend it). That's when I decided she was to be forever Alaska Welsh.

Thank you for all the feedback! Especially you Aspen. Without your constant nagging and abuse, I wouldn't have been able to finish this.

Thank you to Victoria Justice for being beautiful and talented.

Thank you Trisha Malik for your son.

Thank you Joey Graceffa and Sawyer Hartman.

Thank you management.

Thank you Nicholas Sparks for writing a book such as 'A Walk To Remember'. Without it, I wouldn't have been able to push past writers block.

Thank you God.

And thank you everyone who read this story from beginning to end and has stuck with me since 'Fall.' I love every single one of you and would die without the support. You are all incredible.

Are you ready for 'Strong' ? Cause I am.

Musically yours,

Logan E. Poole

··*Completed May 4th, 2014 at 12:20 AM*··

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Alaska {Zayn Mailk} [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now