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"Ali, we gotta get up." I whispered, gently shaking her arm. She groan, before flipping over onto her left side, causing me to chuckle quietly. "C'mon, love. I know you don't wanna get up, but we have to." I added, repeatedly poking her side softly.

"What time is it?" She asked, sleep dripping from her voice. I looked at the clock on my bedside table, reading the blue digital numbers.

"Three AM."

"Do I have to?" She groaned.

"Yeah. We have to be at the hospital in an hour." I said, as she flipped onto her back. I propped myself up on one elbow and kissed her forehead, before standing up from the bed and over to the dresser, where I pulled out a pair of joggers and t-shirt.

"Zayn, I don't wanna get up." She groaned, hiding her face in the pillow. I chuckled, setting my clothes down and walking over to her side of the bed, running my fingers through her brunette hair. "But your gonna make me, aren't you?" She muffled into the pillow.

"I'm afraid so, babe."

"I guess." She sighed, turning to lay on her back. I kissed her lips, before I helped her out of bed and we got ready to leave.


We were thirty minutes away from the hospital. Every time I stopped at a stop light, or looked at the clock, my anxiety increased. I looked over at Alaska and sighed, knowing that this would be the last time we were alone together before I would have to go fifteen hours without seeing her.

I kept telling her to stay positive. I kept telling her that everything was going to be okay and nothing was going to happen, but my mind kept wandering back to conclusions. What if something went wrong? How would I live with myself? How would Landon react?

I pushed my glasses back up to the bridge of my nose, taking a ragged breath, before grabbing her hand and lacing our fingers together. She tightened her grip on my hand, giving it a comforting squeeze. "Are you okay, Zayn?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired." I half lied, as I turned into the hospital parking lot. Once the car was in park, I looked over at Alaska and sighed.

"Your not fine." She mumbled, as she picked at her nails. "Be honest with me, Zayn." She added. I sighed, before running my fingers through my hair.

"I've told you to think positive time and time again. And I've told myself the same thing. But now that we're actually here, I'm scared," I admitted, as I learned my head against the steering wheel. "I'm absolutely terrified, Ali." I replied, lifting my head off the steering wheel and looking at her.


"I don't wanna lose you, Ali." I said, as a felt a tear roll down my face slowly. To be completely honest, I didn't think I had any tears left. I sound like a complete sissy, but it's the truth. I've cried more the last couple days than I have in awhile.

"Zayn, listen to me carefully, okay?" Alaska told me, as she reached her hand out, trying to find my hand. I let her grab it, before she laces our fingers together. "You told me to stay positive and I'm trying really hard to. So now, I'm telling you to stay positive. You aren't going to lose me, babe. I promise." She said. I nodded my head, before I dragged her over the center counsel of the car and sat her in my lap. She buried her head into the crook of my neck and took a ragged breath. I pushed some of her hair behind her ear and sighed, knowing we only had a few minutes left before we had to go inside.

"Fifteen hours, Zayn." She mumbled, causing me to nod. "A lot can happen in fifteen hours."

"Well, I'm not leaving you. I'll be there beginning to end. No matter what." I promised.

"I love you." She said, lifting her head off my shoulder. I cupped her face in my hand, turning it to where she was facing me.

"I love you, too." I replied, before kissing her lips. When we parted, I helped her climb over the counsel to her seat, before I got out of the car. I walked over to her side and helped her out, before we walked into the hospital hand in hand.

As we entered the hospital, the lady at front desk smiled, before asking the nurse beside her to show us to the room Alaska was going to be in after surgery. The nurse gave her a gown to wear and told us that the doctor will be a few minutes. I helped Alaska into the bathroom so she could get changed.

"Mr.Malik?" I hear behind me. I turned around and smiled once I noticed it was the doctor. "How are you this morning?"

"I'm fine. Alaska is in the bathroom changing. She should be out in a few." I replied, shaking his hand. Not even a few minutes later, Alaska came out, causing me to grab her hand and help her towards the bed. Once she was settled, the doctor walked up to her and grabbed her hand.

"Good morning, Alaska. How are feeling?" He asked her. She shrugged, causing him to grin. "Your probably really tired, yeah?" He said, as she nodded and yawned, before a man walked in. "Alaska, this is Chandler Lee. He is a medical student in Uni."

"Miss.Welsh?" The man - Chandler I think he said - said, before grabbing her hand, letting her know he was there. "I'm Chandler. I was selected to watch your surgery be performed - if it's okay with you."

"I'm fine with it." She replied, a smile on her face. "Just call me Alaska."

"Thank you, Alaska." He said, before the nurse concluded her duty and left. The doctor looked at me and nodded, before he and Chandler walked out of the room and gave us privacy.

"Zayn, I'm scared." She whispered, as I grabbed her hand and laced our fingers together.

"I know you are, love. I am, too." I replied, pressing my lips to her forehead.

"I want you to be the first person I see when I wake up, okay? I want you to be here when I get up."

"I'll be right here waiting okay?" I said, fighting back tears. "I love you." I told her, before kissing her lips. She kissed me back, causing my heart rate to speed up.

"I love you, too." She said against my lips, before we pulled apart, causing me to kiss her forehead one last time, before the doctor came in and wheeled her away to start the fifteen hour surgery.

All I can have now, is a little faith and hope.


·•·This chapter took forever for me to write and I apologize! I will try and update faster next time.

Alaska is now in surgery. What do you think will happen the next couple chapters? Let me know!

Love You,

Logan, xxx

Alaska {Zayn Mailk} [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now