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As I sat in Alaska's room waiting for her to get ready, I tried thinking of things we could do in Chicago. We had a day off, so I decided I'd take Alaska out, since Niall and Leann are going to see her dad and tell him about the engagement.

"Zayn?" She yelled from behind the door. I stood up from the chair and walked towards the door, knocking on the door once."It's open." She said, before I opened the door to see her leaning against the counter, arms crossed, and her head down.

"What's wrong, love?" I asked, leaning against the door frame.

"I hate this." She murmured. "I have no idea what I look like I dunno if I need make-up on, or if I need to fix my hair." She continued, her voice becoming quieter. "It's just.." Her voice cracked, telling me she was crying, which made my heart sink. I walked up to her, wrapping my arms around her middle, pulling her close to me. I rubbed small circles on her back, trying to calm her down.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to cry." She managed to say through her sobs.

"Listen to me, okay?" I said, pulling her away slightly, looking into her wet, bloodshot brown eyes. I wipped away the few tears rolling down her cheeks with my thumbs. "Your allowed to cry. Your human; we have emotions." I began. "And you don't need make-up. You are beautiful without it. Your perfect just the way you are." I whispered to her, wipping away some more tears. She took a deep uneven breath, before fiddling with my sleeve.

"I'm nowhere near perfect, Zayn." She said, her eyes closed. I leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose, causing her eyes to flutter open slowly, her eyes big, bright, and beautiful.

"Your perfect to me." I whispered softly, her face turning a bright red. I lifted her head up, pecking her lips softly. "And I mean it."

"Your so cheesy." She said, a bit of laughter in her tone. She lifted her hands up to my face, before she scrunched her face. I chuckled at her, wondering why she was doing it. "Your wearing glasses?" She asked, lifting her hands up behind my ears, following the frame of my black glasses up to the lenses. "Since when do you wear glasses?"

"I either wear contacts, or just go without. I generally just go without. But I wanted to wear them today." She smiled, before poking my nose.

"I bet you look amazing in them." She replied, a seductive smile on her face. It shocked me that she did that. I would've never expected her to smile like that. But yet, who am I to complain? I kind of liked it. Screw it. I loved it.

She wiggled herself out of my arms and felt her way towards her bed, carefully slipping on the brown leather boots Leann left out for her. Once her boots and leather jacket were on, she looped her arm through mine, and nodding, saying she was ready to go.



-Few Hours Later-

After hours of walking around Navy Pier and Zayn forcing me into stores, we were finally sitting down in a restaurant, something I've longed to do for two hours now. I was freezing, shivering, and couldn't feel my toes. I'm not used to the cold, especially in the beginning of March. Zayn told me it was probably colder in England than it was here. Which wouldn't surprise me any.

Once our food was ordered, Zayn asked me if I've heard from Landon at all. I just shook my head, some sort of guilt and sadness flooding throughout me. I didn't know where he went, or if he was safe, or okay. And it bothered me.

"It's three o'clock, you know what that means!? It's time for open mic! C'mon up and don't be shy!" A man hollered into the mic, causing my face to heat up.

Alaska {Zayn Mailk} [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now