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She says she wants to be left alone for a bit. I was hesitant at first, only because I didn't like leaving her alone. But that's what she wanted, so I left her. I call Hope and Chandler, all within the forty-five minutes I left her alone. Just as I hang up the phone with Chandler, I hear someone yell in the arena.  

"Zayn!" The voice says. I knew it was Alaska, but why would she yell for Zayn? I slowly walked into the arena, only to see that my baby sister and Zayn were practically all over each other. I don't why this made me angry, but it surely made my blood boil. He sets her down, kisses her again, then whispers something to her. This made me even angrier. I started walking towards them, only to see Zayn look over his shoulder, then back to Ali, obviously telling her I was coming towards them. 

"Bub, I-" 

"Save it. We'll talk on the plane later," I said harshly, causing her to jump back in fear, something I never knew I would cause my sister. I looked at Zayn and glared, my face turning red. "Right now, I'd like to talk to Malik. Preferably alone." I spat in his direction. With that, Ali ran away, tears in her eyes. I crossed my arms, my eyes locked on Zayn's. He knew I was angry.  

"What the hell was that?" I hissed, gesturing to the direction Alaska ran in. "I leave her alone for not even an hour and I come back and see your tongue crammed down my sister's throat!" I added, my voice rising.  

"Calm down, Landon, okay?" He said. I scoffed at his remark, rolling my eyes and sighing. "Let me explain-" 

"You want me to calm down? Seriously?! Well news flash, Malik, I'm not going to calm down! You sure as hell know why I have an issue with this!" 

"Why?! Because you don't like me?!" He screamed back, his hands balling into fist.  

"Exactly! I only agreed to this damn trip because I knew it would make Alaska happy!" 

"She is happy!" He argued back. I could feel my bones ache. I was restraining myself from punching him, which was harder than I thought it'd be. "You just don't want to admit that I might be the reason for her happiness at the moment! You don't realize that I might be what she wants!" 

"You hardly know her, Zayn! You don't have any idea to what she wants!" 

"She tells me everything, Landon!" He yelled, his voice deeper than usual. "YOUR the one who doesn't know what she wants! Your too stupid to realize what she wants!" He added. I walked closer to him, closing the space between us, before I grabbed a handful of his shirt tightly.  

"I don't want you anywhere near Alaska. Do you understand me?" I hissed.  

"I can do whatever the hell I want." He spat, causing my blood to boil over. I released my grip on his shirt, biting my bottom lip and turning around, before my anger took over.  

I punched Zayn Malik in the face.  

He fell to the floor, a loud thud erupting throughout the large arena. He groaned in pain, his face looking down at the floor. I bent down to the ground beside him, grabbing his shirt again, making him face me. "I'm going to take my sister home. Your never going to see her again, Malik." I hissed, before pushing his body down to the concrete floor. I walked away in the direction Alaska went in, knowing she couldn't have gone far.  

We'll be catching the first flight out of here.  



I never expected Landon to throw a punch at me. That's the last thing I ever expected. I tried to explain to him that Alaska wanted me to, but he obviously didn't care. He has a bad temper issue. That's for damn sure.  

Alaska {Zayn Mailk} [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now