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-A Few Weeks Later-

"Good afternoon, I'm Doctor Andrew Harris." The man said, as he closed the door behind him and walked behind his desk, sending Alaska and I a warm smile. "Its a pleasure to meet you, Mr.Malik," He said, offering me his hand. I accepted the gesture, shaking his hand, giving him a small smile. "And you must be Alaska Welsh, correct?"

"Yes sir." She replied. I grabbed her hand and entwined my fingers with hers, before looking at Doctor Harris, waiting for the discussion to start.

"First of all, I want you to know your in very safe hands, Miss.Welsh. I've been doing this for almost twenty years."

"That's good to know," She replied quietly. "And please, call me Alaska." She added with a smile. He laughed to himself, before opening the file in front of him.

"According to this file, you were involved in a head on collision in early October. You had multiple small shards of glass in both eyes, resulting into blindness. Is this accurate?" He read, before looking up at Alaska and I. She nodded, before gripping my hand a little tighter.

"Alright, this is what'll happen: The surgery will be fifteen hours - possibly more if needed. During those hours, my team and I will be operating on the your cornea - the transparent layer in the front of your eye. We'll go in and work our magic."

"Okay." I said, the thought of her being under for fifteen hours making me nervous.

"Has anyone ever... You know... died during this type of surgery?" Alaska asked him softly, her grip on my hand becoming tighter. I took a deep breath, before rubbing my thumb over her hand.

"The survival rate is one out of every five. This is a very dangerous surgery; one of the toughest to do." The room went silent. I heard my heart drop, only making my stomach churn. I heard Alaska take a deep uneven breath, before nodding her head in understatement.

"And if the surgery is successful?" She asked, her voice cracking.

"You'll stay in the recovery ward for a few weeks. We'll test your vision and watch for swelling and any pusing. Then we'll go from there." He explained, before folding his hands together on his desk. "You seem like a strong young lady, Alaska. I will do everything I can to make sure you can see again."

"I know you will, Doctor. I believe you." She replied. The doctor then bid us farewell and sent us on our way. Before we left the hospital, we stopped at the front desk and scheduled the surgery.

"Surgery is Friday at five in the morning. Make sure you arrive at least an hour early for preparation." The lady told us, before handing me a slip with the information on it. We left the hospital not too long after wards, the nervous feeling in my stomach still clearly noticeable.

As I drove to my flat on the outside of London, I looked over at Alaska, only to see her forcing back tears. She bit her lip, before pushing some of her hair behind her ear. I grabbed her hand and entwined our fingers, our hands resting in her lap. Her nerves were shot; she was cold and shaking.

Once we were in my flat, I pulled out one of my jumpers and gave it to Alaska, knowing that she was freezing. She accepted it and pulled it over her head, before sniffling, still trying to hold back tears. She crossed her legs Indian style on the couch, before lacing her hands together in her lap.

"I'm scared, Zayn." She whispered, causing me to wrap an arm around her waist and pulling her close to me. "What if-"

"Don't. Nothing is going to happen." I replied, stopping her from continuing the sentence. She sighed deeply, before resting her head on my shoulder, and finally broke down. She sobbed in my shoulder for what seemed like hours. I rubbed small circles on her back, trying to stay strong and not lose it. Because if I knew one thing, I knew that I had to stay strong for her.

Alaska {Zayn Mailk} [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now