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I was awaken the next morning with a pillow smacked against my bare stomach. I shot up in pain and saw Niall in a fit of laughter on the floor.

"What the hell was that for, Niall?!"

"I had to wake you up. Hope didn't say how she wanted me to wake you up, though." He managed to say. I rolled my eyes and fell back against the pillow, throwing the covers over my head. I refuse to do anything today.

"Oh no, your not allowed to sleep anymore. We are going out today and you need to get ready." Niall said, causing me to groan. "Trust me, I wanted to sleep in, too. C'mon." With that, he patted my back and left the room, leaving me alone. I threw the covers off and tossed my legs over the edge of the bed. I sat there for a few minutes, before standing up and walking out of the room. I turned the corner, only to accidentally run into Alaska. Again.

"You know, I'm getting real sick and tired of you running into me, Zayn. And I thought I was the blind one."

"I'm sorry, Alaska. I didn't even see you when I turned the corner."

"It's okay. Just... Help me up, please." She asked, as she offered me her hands. I grabbed them, as I pulled her to her feet. Before I knew it, she stumbled straight into my arms - on accident, of course - and gasped. Her hands went from my arms to my stomach, as she noticed I didn't have a shirt on. She pushed herself off of me, as a scarlet color spread throughout her cheeks. She cleared her throat, before pushing past me and walking down the stairs in a hurry. Confused, I made my way to the bathroom and got showered, did my hair, and all that jazz, before walking down the stairs to a crowded kitchen.

"Your awfully cheerful this morning, Nialler. I've never seen you this excited about going to a shopping center before." Liam said. Niall just smiled, before continuing to eat his breakfast.

"Morning fellas." I said, as I sat next to Harry at the table. "What's on the agenda this morning that I had to get up this early?"

"We're going to the shopping center, then to Hollywood." Louis said.

"Due to the fact that I've never been there before." Leann added, causing Niall to chuckle. She looked at him strangely, before grabbing her mug full of tea. I rolled my eyes and scanned the room, before I saw Alaska. For some reason, I got butterflies in my stomach by just looking at her.

'No girls, Zayn.' I reminded myself. I looked away from her and stared out the window, waiting for the day to begin.


"Louis, your with Zayn. Niall, your with Leann. Harry, your with Liam. And Ali is with me. Okay?" Hope said, just before we entered the center. Everyone agreed.

"Hope, I love you, but I kinda wanna go with Zayn," Alaska said, taking Hope and I by surprise. "Please." Hope crossed her arms, looked at me, and sighed.

"Fine. Louis, your with me. We meet back here in two hours, okay?" We all agreed. Just as we went to walk away, Hope grabbed my hand and stared at me. "If anything happens to her, I will jack that pretty little face of yours up. Understand?"

"C'mon, Hope. Stop scaring the poor boy. You know as well as I do nothing is going to happen." Alaska replied. Hope just rolled her eyes and looked at Lou.

"Come along, cousin. We are going shopping." Louis smiled widely, before looping his arm with Hope's, as everyone walked in separate directions. I looked at Alaska and sighed, wondering why she wanted to be near me. I grabbed her hand and she looped her arm through mine, as we walked around.

At first, I pointed things out to her, occasionally asking if she wanted to go into a place in particular. She would always just tell me she's fine, but I know she wants to. It then escalated into small talk. She would say something, I would say something. But there never was big conversations. I promised myself not to ask her about what happened. So, there wasn't much to talk about.

"Zayn," She said quietly. "Tell me about yourself. Y'know, basic information." I bit my lip, before looking at the brunette. It didn't surprise me that she wanted to know more. I would, too, if I was always around a guy I hardly knew. I pulled her closer to my side and sighed.

"Well, I was born in Bradford, a small town in England. I have three sisters. Before One Direction, I was working in

Alaska {Zayn Mailk} [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now