Twenty-eight. (Part One)

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~Hour One~

I was already growing impatient and the surgery had only started an hour ago.

I was told I could stay in Alaska's room for the fifteen hours, not only for comfort, but also because the doctor thinks it would be safer if I stayed here. The lads and Leann have yet to arrive, along with Landon. I know we kind of went through a rough spot, and I know he probably hates me, but I'm really hoping he comes. Not for me, but for his baby sister.

This was going to be a long day.

~Hour Three~

I watched the hours go painfully and slowly. Between the worry and the bitter cold room, I was losing my mind. Even though I had a jumper and joggers on, the nurse had kindly given me a blanket to borrow for the time being, due to the fact that I was starting to lose feeling in my toes.

I now officially hate hospitals.

~Hour Five~

"--Five months after the release of their junior album, Midnight Memories, you'd think the boys of One Direction would be promoting their new album this month. Instead of promoting, the boys went their separate ways for a small break in their schedule...

--Recently, Zayn has confirmed his relationship with musical prodigy, Alaska Welsh, and has then been spending all his time with her. Early this morning - around four AM - Malik and Welsh were seen entering London General Hospital, but have yet to come out. Fans are growing suspicious and want to know why. Our insider was told by One Direction's management they absolutely could not release any information until the time is right. Until then, Directioners all over the world will have to wait. Live from the studio, I'm Ross Schmidt."

I sighed, before flipping the telly off. Just as the screen went black, the lads and Leann walked into the room. "Hey." I said, as I rested my head against the chair. They all smiled, before finding a place to sit.

"You look tired, Z." Liam said, patting my shoulder.

"I look better than I feel. I've been up since three." I replied, as I took my glasses off and rested them on the table beside me. I grabbed the bridge of my nose and took a deep breath, as I felt my already existing headache become stronger. "Does anyone have any Tylenol, or something?"

"No, sorry." They all said, before I shrugged and buried my head deeper into the chair. Between my headache and being tired, I don't know what's worse. But I can't just sit here and mope around. 

"So, what's new? Haven't seen you lot in a few weeks." I said, looking at each of them.

"I have my first football match in a few days." Louis said with a huge grin on his face. I smiled, knowing that he was excited.

"Le and I did wedding stuff. Mum was hell bent on planning when we arrived home. We decided late August, early September."

"It's official, then." I said, a small smile on my face. The smile instantly faded once I saw that Landon was standing in the doorway. I grabbed my glasses off the table and slipped them on, before he crossed his arms.

"You know, if she didn't love you, I would kick your butt right about now." He said, staring at me directly. "I mean, you didn't even have the decency to call and tell me that she was having the surgery. I had to hear about it from my... friend."

"I did call. You didn't answer, so I left a voicemail. Besides, who else knew about this? The paps and media weren't allowed to know." I replied, standing up from the chair and crossing my arms.

Alaska {Zayn Mailk} [Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now