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Ever since Alaska moved in with me when she was fourteen, I promised her I wouldn't keep secrets. If she didn't keep them, I wouldn't. That was our deal. And I think we've done pretty well at doing just that.  

But, some secrets are best kept to yourself.  

Back in high school, I wasn't the popular guy. Although I was on the school's basketball team, I wasn't seen as a popular guy. I was just the nerdy jock. I had very few friends and always kept to myself. I was never really bullied. Which was a plus if you asked me.  

That was until the party. 

I remember the party like the back of my hand. No parents, no rules, and a lot of underage things. Drama and catfights. Just a normal everyday thing. Nothing was new really. I remember that the party was to celebrate and congratulate the basketball team for going all the way to the championship.  

Throughout the entire party, I had one drink and stayed in a corner. I hardly had any interaction with any of the people that were there. Until the head cheerleader came up to me, asking me to get her a drink and telling me that I was attractive - or in her words 'The sexiest man ever'.  

After that, she tried convincing me to take her upstairs and.. Well, you get the picture. I kept denying her, telling her that she was drunk and kept telling her she didn't actually like me.  

Just as she went to protest, I was instantly dragged into a giant game of truth or dare. Although I would've preferred to have stayed in the corner and be my natural wallflower self, I sat down and participated. I told myself to just stick to truth and everything will be fine.  

Boy, was I wrong. 

When the question about who the hottest cheerleader was, I froze. I truthfully didn't know how to answer. I didn't think any of the cheerleaders were hott. They were cute, but not hott. When I answered that, instantly I was getting judged and assumed. Between their assumptions and my mind and heart running a thousand miles an hour, I couldn't take the pressure any longer. That's when the truth came out. 

I was gay. 

Everyday after the party, I was given nicknames that would stick with me until graduation day: queer, fag, and homo amongst others. I got tripped in the hallways, I was stuffed into my locker, I was pushed against walls. I'd skipped school just to get away from them. I'd fake an illness. I'd do absolutely anything just to stay away from them. But in the end, I forced myself to get up every morning and go to school. 

Since then, I have came to love who I am. I have came to realize that God made me the way I am. I was born this way. I wouldn't change myself for the word. 

June of 2013 was the day I met my boyfriend on Facebook. His name is Chandler Lee and he is the best thing to have ever happened to me. 

I've never actually met him. In the beginning, I thought that I had to e-mail Nev and Max from Catfish. Chandler refused to video chat with me and refused to meet me. After talking him into it, we video chatted and he turned out to be the guy from all the pictures he sent me. Everything he told me about himself was true, except for one tiny detail. 

He lives in Manchester, England. 

The other day while Alaska was with Hope, Chandler called me. He knows about how I've been searching for a surgeon for her and how I'm not having any luck. I hated asking him to help me look for one, but he told me he was glad to help.  

"I have exciting news, love." He said, excitement in his voice. "News that you've been waiting to hear for months now." 

"What is it?" I replied, eagerness in my voice. He chuckled at my eagerness and sighed. 

"I found a surgeon. He's in London and he's been doing these sorts of operations for years. He quite excellent, actually," He explained. "There's nothing but positive reviews. I'll send you the link to the website here in a minute." 

"Chandler, this is amazing! God, why do you have to be so amazing?" 

"I'm not even close to amazing, love." 

"Well, your amazing to me." I replied, my face heating up. He was absolutely adorable. As he continued to explain the surgeon to me, I couldn't help but smile at the fact that if I was to get this surgeon to do the surgery, I would be able to give Ali here life back. I'd be able to meet Chandler in person. Good things would come from this. 

As we said our goodbyes, I noticed that Ali should've been back by now. The concert was over and traffic was cleared, so why wasn't she home? I called Hope and she told me that Alaska was sleeping over and that I shouldn't worry. It's my job as an older brother to worry.  

I then explained to Hope that Chandler found a surgeon and I told her everything he said. She reacted just as I did, until I told her he was in London. We talked for another minute, before hanging up and I was on my own. 

Whenever Ali isn't here, the house seemed a lot more quiet. She usually had music blasting and she'd sing at the top of her lungs. That was quite possibly the only good thing she had left right now. I swore sometimes I'd hear her voice from up the stairs. That's how lonely I was when she wasn't here. 

To occupy myself, I plugged my iPhone into my dock, as I blasted my music to fill the silence. As I listened to every song, I cleaned up the house. Something I was good at. I was in a happy mood, until my favorite song came on. 

As I listened to the lyrics Macklemore was rapping, I couldn't help but rap along. The song had so much meaning, so much power. The words resembled pieces of my life. This song gave me the courage to love myself for who am I and what I love. I wasn't afraid to tell people I was gay anymore. I was glad about who I've became. And when people judge me on my sexuality, I give them the finger and quote the song.  

I can't change even if I tried. Even if I wanted to. 


·•·Chapter seven. What did you think? Lemme know. 

Alright, so, this was difficult for me to write. I've never written about a gay couple before, so it was new to me. 

There is more to come, guys. Heck, I might add a little #Neann. You'll never know. 

Picture on the side is Sawyer Hartman who plays Chandler Lee. Isn't he hott?

Landon and Chandler's relationship is necessary for the story. Just trust me on this, okay? 

#Chandon anyone? 

Comment, vote, and follow me. 

Logan, xx

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