【Part 3: Obey】「Satoshi」

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Chapter 3: Obey

I called off work the next day. I waited to see if I would catch any signs of Kazuo. Everyday I would wait by the door now until he randomly visits. I was seriously torturing myself, but I couldn't stop.

I peeked up at the clock. It was almost 5:00. Kazuo would normally drop by around 5:00.

The doorbell rung, and. I sprung up in my seat. I ran to open the door, and it was Kazuo. He wore his suit, and he had a grim smile on his face. "Hey Satoshi."

"Kazuo. I...I'm still shocked that you told me you have another." I looked down.

"You too can find another."

"I can't."

"You can."

My phone rang, and I picked it up. It was Seiji. "Hello?" I said.

"I need you to come in today. It's urgent."

"But I told you ahead of time I needed a day off."

"Sorry. I need you to be here for business related reasons."

I sighed, and hung up. I didn't want to leave this savory time with Kazuo, but I felt I had to if I wanted to keep my job.

"I got to go."

Kazuo grabs my hand. His eyes are dark. "Satoshi..I..." He lets go of my arm. "Nothing." He turns away, and leaves.

I didn't stop him. I didn't want to seem desperate even though I was. What could he have possibly wanted to say?

I arrived at the office in about an hour. Seiji handed me a bunch of files. "I need you to make copies, and set up appointments for next week's production runs. I plan to make a decent hundred bottles of the new cologne. You already know the whole deal." He sounded tired.

"Okay." I grabbed them. I was pretty annoyed. He could of asked anyone to do them, but he always picked on me. It irritated me.

"Quit the attitude. You should be grateful." He glares.

"Fine." I walked away before he could lecture me further. I wasn't in the mood to deal with his bullshit.

"Hey Satoshi, are you okay?" Kyou places his hand on my shoulder.

"I saw Kazuo. He said he had someone else."

"Maybe I should talk to him?" Kyou suggested. My eyes lit up. Maybe he can talk some sense into Kazuo.


"When do you see him?" He tilted his head in confusion.

"Well during the afternoon. I can't determine."

"I'll be there tomorrow. At your house I mean.." He chuckles.

Kyou is such a dork. I really did enjoy his company. Even though he had every right to hate my guts, he still manages to smile with me. How the hell is Seiji unhappy with Kyou? I just didn't understand.

The next day Kyou lived up to his word, and came to my house. He sat down as we both waited for Kazuo to visit at his usual hour.

"So what do you guys talk about?" He asked.

"Nothing really...I just want him around." I knew my face wrinkled to beyond when I think of Kazuo not wanting me.

"It'll be okay."

I heard knocking on the door, and I quickly went to get the door. Kazuo stood in front of me. Today he wore a gray suit. He looked professional, and sexy as always. I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

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