【Part 13: New】「Satoshi」

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Chapter 13: New

There was a crowd in front of Seiji's house. I saw just about everyone there. I even saw Hizaki from the supermarket. The search was huge.

Seiji stood on a platform that was provided. He took out a stack of papers. "Everyone! My son Keichi is missing. I'm sure you've all seen him if you work at Raine. If you do not know how he looks like, here is a flyer with his face plastered on. Place these all around town. I've already contacted the police for the hunt, but I wanted to conduct my own hunt. Please find him." His voice was weak, and he looked tired.

Kyou went up to him, and embraced him. I almost felt jealous.

"Satoshi, you are here." Takuto grabbed my shoulder. I looked at him.

"Yes I am."

"We have to find this kid. This neighborhood doesn't even seem like a bad place to live."

"I guess. We will find him hopefully." I pretended to act hopeful.

I looked around to see the crazy crowd of people. I even saw kids from my high school. This is crazy. I wonder if Kazuo is lurking amongst these people.

I looked back, and fourth, and caught a glimpse of the worker from the store. I liked to call him the can man. He looks at me, and walks over. I bowed. I still felt bad.

"You helping?" I asked him.

He lowers his cap over his eye. "Ah mhm."

Takuto looked at can man, and walked off. They had a weird vibe with each other. I would have to ask Takuto later.

I looked back at can man. He looked messy. He had ratty clothes, and his black hair was always tangled. He was a mess. I felt weird being near him, but what can I do.

Can man taps my shoulder, and points to Seiji, and Kyou. I didn't get what he was trying to tell me.

"What is it? What is your name?" I decided to ask.

"Ah oh oh ao...." His voice was raspy, and I didn't get him.

"I'm Satoshi. I don't know what to call you." I was getting agitated.

He takes out a pen, and notepad, and scribbled something down. It read 'Saha."

"Saha is your name?" I looked puzzled.

He nods, and starts writing. "I don't speak Japanese, but write it well."

"Oh okay?"

He writes again. "I speak Thai. It's a Thai name."

I nodded. "Oh okay." I didn't frankly care honestly.

Flyers began roaming around the crowd, and I had my share of flyers. I saw Keichi's picture on the front. He had a neutral face. I felt bad. My body started shaking. What have I done?

Saha taps my shoulder, and hands me the pad. On it was the words I feared. "Did you kill him?"

My head turned to him slowly. My eyes were shaking. I shook my head. "How can you assume this?" I asked.

"You look nervous." He wrote.

"I am not." I started walking away from the guy. He creeps me out. I sped up my walking to lose him even quicker, and ended up bumping into Takuto. He looks at me surprised.

"Hey kid, you ready?"

"Yeah of course."

Takuto took a flyer from my hands, and looks at it. "This is tragic. I could imagine how awful that must be to have a missing child." He looked upset.

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