【Chapter 24: Words】「Satoshi」

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Chapter 24: Words

Kazuo told me everything. From how he stole his brother's identity, to how he was pretending to be his brother the whole time he left his parent's house. It was weird. I never even knew he had a brother. I guess he was the brother I didn't know of. Does that mean I've been loving the wrong person? I felt stupid. How could I love a man with all my heart, and didn't even know it wasn't him? He fooled me. Even so...this was the man I fell for in the end. Even if he is Kizuo, I still will consider him my Kazuo. Always.

"Kazuo, I don't hate you. You have been with me much longer than your brother." I touched his hand. "My heart belongs with you till I die."

He embraces me tightly. It felt surreal to hug him. This was real. I wasn't hallucinating for once.

"Hey lover boys, there is a visitor for you Satoshi." One of the officers came to the cell to take me. Who could it be?

I stepped out of the cell, and was taken into a long hallway. I saw another inmate at the end. There was no doubt that was Hiro. He looked exactly the same except with much longer hair. I guess I was imagining Hiro too. How pathetic.

"Hey Satoshi. Since when did you get here?" He asked tiredly.

"Since..." I didn't want to say. "Never mind. It isn't important."

We both were taken in that room where there was a glass wall, and phones lined up. I had to keep my cuffs on. I felt trapped.

Me, and Hiro were seated next to each other, and across from us on the other side of the glass was that man I saw at the supermarket. The one that resembled Kazuo so much. Could this be...?

I picked up the phone. Hiro had to move behind me until I was done. I watched as the man took out sanitary wipes, and wiped the phone clean before bringing it up to his ear.


My eyes sparked hearing the way he said my name. It was exactly like when I was a child. The Sa was extended way too much. Kazuo did the same, but this was the one that was the closest resemblance.

"Who are you...? Are you...?"

The man looked disappointed in me. He looked almost disgusted by me. "Yeah, I am...the real deal." I knew he didn't want to say his name since officers were around.

"I...I have been looking for you, but found your brother instead." It felt almost surreal to be sitting so close to the real babysitter I've had for those short years. He looked so professional, and perfect. It pained me since I wanted that too.

"I've heard from...Kazuo." He looked bothered saying his own name. I could fully understand why.

"Why didn't you tell me of your brother?!" I cried.

He took a while before responding every time. I guess he was overwhelmed. "Because I hate him, and I didn't want negative energy around you at the time."

"Prove that you are the babysitter! What did we do?!" I was in disbelief. I didn't want to believe it.

"Go outside. Play around. I don't know." He seemed annoyed by me asking. It would annoy me if an inmate is screaming at me too, but I had to.

"What did you carry around all the time? What did I get when I got hurt?!"

"Would you lower your voice?" The slight annoyance, and embarrassment showed on his face. He was clearly uncomfortable being around me.

"Just answer please."

He digs in his suitcase, and brought out a gift box. He slid it under the small slit that was located under the glass. "I took this splinter kit with me everywhere. I'm a perfectionist, and I was always getting hurt at the time. Ironically you did too. You got splinters a lot as a child. This is the original one. I know my brother bought a very similar one. He practically begged me to give this to you when he sent me this letter. I might as well give this to you too." He hands me an envelope.

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