【Part 6: Pills】「Satoshi」

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Chapter 6: Pills

I couldn't stop staring at Kyou at work. Did I really have sex with him? His eyes met mine, and I quickly turned away.

"Satoshi, there is a conference later." Matsuda nudged me.

"Alright." My eyes looked at Kyou again. He was deep in his sketching that he didn't realize my heavy stare this time.

"What are you doing?" Ita's voice whispered in my head.

"Ita?" I looked around, but didn't see him.

"Satoshi, you are playing with fire." His voice was distant.

"He doesn't have to know." I said quietly under my breath.

"He will know. Goodbye."

My gut began hurting. I felt sick. What is wrong with me? I just didn't like Seiji because Kazuo hated him.

After lunch, the conference began. I sat a far distance from Kyou. I saw Shouta glaring at me as usual. We never got along even though we've clearly moved on from our past bickering. I just couldn't befriend the bitch.

"Sales are down. Any ideas why?" Seiji didn't sound happy, and he seemed zoned out in another world.

"I think our new designs just aren't eye catching." A woman employee said.

"I see." Seiji jotted down some notes. "Any suggestions for making sales better? I'm tired of seeing the arrows pointing down." He sighs.

"We should hire new blood." Shouta suggested.

"I doubt that would boost sales considering I don't have the time to hire more employees." Seiji annoyingly said.

"How about we work as a team?" I suggested. All eyes were on me. It felt weird. I've never spoken up in a discussion before. Even Seiji was taken aback.

"We've been working as a team. That is why we have conferences. I suggest you get your head in the game." Seiji snapped back. It annoyed me. I heard some chuckling. My self esteem dropped.

"Hey, I think it's a good idea. I assume he means we work as a team outside of conferences." Kyou spoke on my behalf. My eyes widened.

"You could of done that." Seiji gave Kyou an annoyed look as he rests his cheek on his palm.

"Well now I will address it openly so everyone can be aware." Kyou said.

"Mhm." Seiji didn't seem like he wanted any part of the idea. It made me dislike him even more. He may have given me multiple chances, but it didn't really matter up until this point.

Kyou stayed silent after that. I felt bad since Kyou basically got attitude from Seiji for defending me. 

"Go back to work, and think of better designs. I'm tired of this poor effort, and outcome." Seiji was clearly frustrated. He dismissed himself, and the rest of the room began leaving as well.

I approached Kyou. "Thank you." I said.

He smiles. "No problem. I was amazed that you suggested an idea. I just wanted to support it. Yamada is tough to please, but he means well."

"How can you praise him? He seems like an asshole all the time."

"He isn't. He is kind hearted. He's just been depressed. Not sure why, but I don't want to be mean to him when he's sad."

"But we..." I couldn't even finish my sentence.

"I know. I just don't want to get intimate with him. He gets moody a lot. He is overly needy. I can't do all of it. Sometimes I need my space." Kyou looked distressed. 

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