【Chapter 17: No】「Satoshi」

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Chapter 17: No

My heart was racing. It was racing at a pace I couldn't even describe. This feeling is nostalgia at its finest. This man before me really makes me feel....weird.

"Sir?" His voice was so clear, and familiar. I couldn't describe it.

"You....you remind me..." I couldn't produce words. This man has made me really nervous to the point I couldn't even breath. Is this Kazuo? This is really Kazuo right?

"Remind you of who?" He looked rather confused as expected.

"No one." I didn't want to seem weird. I already felt like a weirdo. No use in enhancing that.

I felt a tug at my shoulder. I turned to see Saha pulling me away. I almost slapped him by reflex, but stopped myself.

"I wanted to talk to that man." I got annoyed.

Saha shakes his head, and points to the crate of carrots on the ground. I knew he wanted me to work, but my mind didn't want to if there was a guy making me feel all weird inside, and around me.

"Later." I turned back to the man in the isle, but he was gone. No! I must find him now.

I started speed walking around the store, and finally saw him in the drink isle. I walked up to him. "May I help you?" I asked.

He turns to me, and smiles. "Yeah, I wanted to know if you have Gokuri."

"I uh..." I looked at the refrigerated beverages. I didn't know what Gokuri was, but I assumed it was some form of drink since he was already in this isle.

"I'm sure we do..." I felt awkward.

"I didn't see it." His lip formed a straight line as he stared at me.

He is so much like Kazuo. Or at least...old school Kazuo.

"I guess we don't."

"Oh well." He sighs. "I can just get Ramune or something." He chuckles. He reaches out to grab a couple bottles to place in his basket.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from him. He looked so much like Kazuo, but with black hair. I was dying inside to know, but I was also scared to ask.

"Where did you come from?" I decided to ask, and realized how awkward I must have been asking that to someone random in a supermarket.

"I'm from Japan." He smiles.

"That is it?"

He looked a bit confused. "Yes?"

"Sorry, you just remind me of this guy,"

"I hope he's a decent person then." He chuckles.

I laughed out loud which caused the people around me to stare at me. I found it hilarious since Kazuo is actually a piece of shit. Except I am just as shitty to love such a shit head.

"The guy sucks ass! I hate him, but I adore him at the same time." I spoke aloud, and he looked slightly uncomfortable.

"Ah okay?"

"Sorry, I am just going through some things." I chuckled.

"Ah, I hope these things will resolve for you."


"Well, I got just about everything I needed. I will see you around." He walks pass me, and I grabbed his arm. He gives me a uncertain look. "Yes?" He said.

"Will I see you again perhaps?"

"Well I do come here a lot so yes." He chuckles.

I finally released his sleeve. "Sorry about that. I am just weird."

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