【Chapter 21: Reunite】「Kazuo」

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Chapter 21: Reunite

"Hey! What you doing?!" The officer pulls out his taser, and instantly, I felt an electric shock rushing through my body as I fell off the stool. I wanted to kill myself. I wanted to hang myself, but I knew these idiots wouldn't let me.

I came to after a few hours of being knocked out. The man I was in a cell with was clearly dead. I finally had a cell by myself.

"You seriously have issues killing your cell mate." An officer behind the bars looked at me.

"Hmm." I felt incomplete. Without my tongue I was nobody. I couldn't speak or express myself. It frustrated me.

"You will be here for the rest of your life." His words echoed through my ears. These horrid words.

He walked away after lights were out. I saw the other inmates across from me in their cells. They gave me lustful stares, and stuck their tongues out.

"Boy, we would fuck that fine ass of yours if we could." An inmate with a buzz cut, and beard said.

These people were disgusting. I need to kill myself. If I can't, then I need to be stronger. There was no way I can stay here being a bitch.

I got on the floor, and began doing sit ups, and push ups. I started doing jumping jacks, wall sits, and just every exercise I could think of. This was going to be my goal here.

The next day, I noticed there was paper, and a notepad on the desk in my cell. I guess this was for me since I didn't know sign language.

I heard my cell opening, and two guards shoving another inmate in my room.

"Make friends." They said.

The guy that was going to stay with me was a much older looking guy. He had a beard, and looked really tired. Looks like a fuck boy. Disgusting.

He looks at my pen, and notepad, and pointed to it. I annoyingly handed him the pen, and notepad. He began scribbling down words.

"I can't speak just like you." He wrote on the notepad.

I took the pen, and notepad. "I don't either. Don't fuck with me because I will fuck you up."

He looked slightly afraid of my threat. I chuckled looking at his fearful face.

He began scribbling. "Why are you here?"

"I killed many people. I can kill you." I wrote.

"I was here because of thief. I'm not really rich." His response said.

"I don't really care." I wrote.

"Let's make the best of this." He wrote.

Does this man not understand that I don't wish to befriend anyone up in this jail? The last guy I was with horrified me. I hoped that he didn't really have...aids as he stated.

Weeks past by with the same old daily routine. Wake up, shower, breakfast, small amounts of yard time, workout, lunch, reading, shower, dinner, and bed. It was the typical life. It wasn't horrible in there since most of the men were calm, and just sad.

I always checked my progress in muscle building. I was doing well, and could feel the veins in my arms pulsing from overdoing it. I didn't care. No pain, no gain.

"I'm only here for six months." He wrote.

I've never asked him for his name so I finally asked him as I wrote.

He writes. "Seguchi."

I wrote down "Kazuo."

He smiles. "Nice name. Sounds so boss like." He wrote.

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