【Part 15: Threat】「Satoshi」

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Chapter 15: Threat

Hiro miraculously agreed to be the submissive one. I didn't expect that from him. I was a bit nervous though. Even though he told me that he didn't care if I had done something to the kid, the thought of him finding out made me cringe inside.

I was working at my cubical that afternoon when Seiji approached me. "I need to speak to you in private in my office."

I felt nervous. I could feel the sweat drip down the side of my temples as his dark eyes laid on me. "Okay." I tried my best to respond normally.

I got up, and walked with him. Everyone in the office stared at me as if I had done something wrong. Technically I did do something wrong, and I am starting to feel the scared feeling once again.

Seiji opened the door to his office, and lets me in first. He points to the seat across from his king's chair. I planted myself on there, and he locks the door behind him. He walks over to sit in his own personal chair. He has his fingers interlocking with one another as he shot me a glare. 

"Satoshi, I will be frankly honest with you. I have bad vibes when it comes to you. Did you have something to do with Keichi's disappearance?" 

A lump got in my throat. He was always so spot on that it made me fear for my life. I shook my head. "What makes you think that?"

"My gut is telling me that you have a major role in his disappearance. Do not tell me I am wrong."

"I am not saying that." I laced my fingers on my lap. My palms were sweaty, and I wasn't exactly well either.

He smirks. "You may think I am weak because of this dilemma, but I am far from it." He gets up, and walks up next to me. He slightly bends over to whisper in my ear. "If I find out that you did something to Keichi, I will kill you. Yes, I will kill you harder than your pathetic bitch Kazuo. I will kill you over, and over again in hell, and back."

The chills in my spine made me instantly get up, and backed away. He smirks at me. "What's wrong Satoshi? Scared? I am capable of many things."

"I...I know. I didn't do it."

He lunges at me, and grabs me by my collar. Before I knew it, I was pinned to the wall. He looks me dead in my eyes. "I know you've been putting shit in my drink. I am not an idiot. I know you've been sleeping around with Kyou. What kind of dumb idiot are you to expose yourself like this? I should have killed you off a long time ago. If your so called lover Kazuo isn't dead, I will make sure he is put in his place. You both disgust the hell out of me. Mostly you. I offer you a job, let you take advantage of me, and yet you are still so ungrateful, and incompetent. You deserve nothing, but hell. You are worthless scum you pathetic whore." He tightened his grip on my collar. "I don't see why any low life sap would want to be with you. I don't know what is wrong with Kyou. Let me answer that: many things are wrong with that idiot. Who in the right mind would want to fuck around with such a used up asshole such as yourself. Do me a favor, and quit this job. It isn't suited for you. If anything, I think a whore would suit you better. You definitely have the ass for that, and the will." 

I didn't know what to say. I didn't imagine having this conversation. "Seiji I am sorry. I am sorry about the whole Kyou thing, but he wa-"

I felt a hard punch on my cheek. "Don't fucking blame him for your wrongdoings! You are a rotten brat that always tries to pin the blame on someone else rather than yourself. Grow up! You may look, and sound like an adult, but your dialogue is of a child's. Kyou may be an idiot, but I fully believe it was you that initiated whatever intimacy you two had with one another. Stop spreading your lies, and legs you filthy whore."

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