【Part 16: Raise】「Satoshi」

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Chapter 16: Raise

I didn't want to tell anyone. I didn't want to call for help either, but I have noticed a man following me around for a few days now. He always wore sunglasses, and a hat so I couldn't tell who it was. Even if I could see his face, I doubt I would know who it was. He would follow me around when I went out for errands, went to the supermarket, and even when I would visit people. It gave me the chills.

On top of that, Kazuo hadn't visited me lately, and Hiro was busy with his academics. I was pretty much alone for the whole week. I would make occasional visits to the supermarket to check on my application. Saha has made me feel weird. His touch is like Kazuo's touch. Something about him reminds me of my love. I knew it couldn't be him since they look nothing alike, and Kazuo strictly said he hate facial hair. I touched my stubble. Maybe I should cut this since Kazuo hates it. Not like it matters, but I am weird like that.

I went to the supermarket to check on the application once again. Again, I noticed that man following me. I didn't want to confront him in case he had a weapon, but we are in the middle of a public street.

I held my breath, and turned around. "May I help you?" I said. I was nervous as hell, but didn't want that to be shown.

"No." He replies.

"Why have you been following me?"

"I heard news of your family from a while back. I find you a facination, and I wanted to see your daily routine for at least a week before I go approach you for an interview. I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable." He bows.

"I am not interested in an interview. Please find another subject." I did not want to relive any bitter memories of my family's death. Thinking of it would only make me bitter towards everyone.

"I want to. Please Mr. Fujiwara."

"I think not." I turned my heel, and started walking away. I noticed he continued to follow me, and that irritated my brain. "Will you stop?!" I yelled out. Heads turned, but I didn't care.

He looks at me, and sighs. "Look, it will only take a couple minutes out of your day."

"A couple minutes is more than you think. Please kindly fuck off." I began to walk again, and he still continued to follow me. I wanted to punch him square in the face at this point. I quickly turned around, and he halted. "Don't fuck with me." I growled.

"Sir please."

"Follow me one more time, and I will make you eat your teeth for lunch." I felt my blood boiling, and it had been some time since that has happened.

"You may do that, but please let me have this interview." He was adament.

"I said no!"

A figure stood before me, and it was Saha. He looked at the both of us. He glares at the stalker. The stalker backed away. "Sorry." He dashes off.

"Wow, thanks Saha." I patted his back. "This guy was seriously following me around for a couple days now. I was scared he would try to attack me or something. I guess it wasn't the best idea to lash out on him like that just now. Thank you for intervening. Without you, I doubt he would have left me alone."

Saha wrote on his notepad. "No problem." It read.

"Hey, are you on lunch break?" I asked.

He nods.

"I can treat you to lunch. Want to have lunch with me?" I smiled.

He smiles back, and nods.

We decided to go to a simple noodle house. He seemed to have difficulty on what to choose.

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