To the broken ones

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How are you feeling? Are you feeling bitter? Or are you elated? Nostalgic? Furious? Are you wondering if you are worthy enough to live? Or is the world revolving around you? Do you think you matter?

If you're pleased with what you have now, well, then, good for you. Keep that healthy way of living and stay happy. Don't give up your cheery laughter and don't turn your smile upside down. Keep loving what you do, don't fret over nothing and don't let go.

But if you're the opposite, if you're one of the broken ones, the best I can do is to ask a few simple favors from you: don't hurt yourself. Try not to think what you think you are right now. Try not to think that no one cares about you. Try not to think that no one loves you, because you're quite wrong.

You are worth life. You are worth the air. You are worth everything to me. I love you. I love you so much that I don't have the stomach to see you in pain. I love you the way I love my blanket when it protects me from the biting cold of night. I love you the way I love mint ice-cream when the weather is sultry outside. I love you the way your body tissues love you. I love you the way I love my pet cat, Miley, like I love the indigo sky when the scattered stars are blinking back at me, and like I love it when songs remind me to stay strong whenever I feel weak to my knees. I love you so much I don't want you be torn and rent.

Don't hurt yourself. If you are to wish for a flower right now, wish for a sunflower or a daisy. Don't pick something like a beautiful, blazing red rose even if you're in a field of monotonous green weeds when you know if it could hurt you with its mordant thorns that could puncture through your flesh and bleed you to death. Don't be harsh to yourself. Don't go out of your mind and upset your heart. Don't skip your meals and take good care of your health. Just eat that leftover chocolate fudge cake in the refrigerator if you must to feel okay- whose ever it is. Listen to your indie bands even if the people tell you that you have a weird taste of music. Watch those cheesy movies you love and shut the world out. Pray every day and night and seek for forgiveness to your sins. Don't let the people be the God of you by instructing you to do the things you don't want to do. Don't let their coldness penetrate through your humanly skin, freeze your fragile bones and ice your vulnerable heart. Don't let them be the monster that keeps you awake or a ghost that haunts you at night.

Don't hurt yourself. Love yourself.

I would go to you and hug you like a skin-tight pair of jeans to show you that I love you, but I couldn't. And even though that I will not be here for you every single second of your life, I will be the little voice inside your head, constantly reminding you that you are worth something to someone and not nothing at all. And if you're ever distressed or crestfallen and think that you are a futility and a troubled soul, please just try not hurting yourself. Drink tea, eat chocolate and smile. You will be fine. You will be mended.

I promise.

Because I am. I am fine. I am mended.


A/N: tbh I'm not proud of this piece. Meh. But this did get published on our school magazine lolol i'm embarrassed

Once Upon A Lone Heart | ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora