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It was your eyes that played the most important part. They spoke sincere words, looked through the unseen, and grabbed hands.

My heart took part, too. It fell, and it fell harder every day. After your eyes, it was the way you close your them when you listen to music; it was the way your dimples show when you smile; it was the way your laugh tingles; it was the way your voice cracks every now and then when you speak. It was the little details.

I held on. Because I knew less about everything else to hold onto but the way your eyes fell when you said something utterly cheesy. I knew less about anything else but the way your touch sent me shivers and rose goosebumps.

I held on. But it was like clinging onto a weak twig, and below is a bottomless abyss. What to expect? What can I do? I knew less about everything else but the one person who kept me sane, who kept me breathing, who kept me holding on.

I held on. But the fall was bound to happen. For me alone. I fell through the dark, bottomless abyss, and I'm still falling to no end.

Epilogue? There is none. I'm still falling with a hope, with a dream, with a belief that he would come and save me.



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