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Her mind is a world itself. There live a number of people who are important to remember, important to keep. They're the people she cares about, the people she loves and, want it or not, the people she can live without.

They have their own places in her mind. Care is populated by the people she sees almost everyday, like her friends and her family members. There are also some random people who come and go in that place, and that's because they are usually the people she sees the first time.

Love has the population as much as Care. You don't even have to ask why. You can already guess. She loves everyone she cares, but not everyone she cares about is loved. The people who live here are quite special. However, who ever fails to meet her expectation or somehow just breaks her heart, will leave.

Ones She Can Live Without consists of the people she dislikes, hates or simply just can live without. In other words, she just doesn't care about them or is literally fine without them.

But there's one place- a unique place for the ones she cares about, loves and can live without all at once. Except, there's only one person who lives there. One special person in her entire life.

A boy.


A/n: i just... i just wanna apologize lol.

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