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Falling in love is not a common thing for her.

If she falls, she falls very deep, that she becomes lost and distraught. Her thoughts will be of him, and her heart will be with him. But she falls in love very rarely like the Super Moon.

Love is a terrible thing, she would say, an unfortunate emotion for us human beings to feel. It makes your head bow down and lets the heart take control. Love isn't a single feeling. It brings thousands of others all at once and it's abundant for girls who only have spaces so tiny like the size of the pupil of their eyes. It feels like buying everything except you need in a store, and having only one grocery bag to carry all of them that it overflows and damages the bag.

Her mother once told her to not open the door to the things you can't afford. It was meant for the mobile salesman, but she applies it to reality. If you cannot afford to feel things love brings, do not engage.

However, she believes in soulmates. She believes that when the one comes, she wouldn't mind feeling love. She wouldn't mind opening doors. She wouldn't mind being a lone, fragile grocery bag that holds up abundance of contents. She believes he wouldn't mind, too, loving her, even if it damages his heart.

She believes in him with the hell deep brown eyes and the killer smile.


A/n: i had a brilliant idea at the start but it went away and i'm left with this. But okay.


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