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You can't see it. You can't feel it. You don't know it. But I'm trying. I've been trying hard.

I went through my problems and helped you with your hardships with patients and without complaints. I risked it all, for your happiness, satisfactory and trust towards me.

I believed in you. And I tried my best to make you believe in me, too. I told you my secrets in hope that it would show you how much I trust you. I listened to you speak with the hope that I could prove to you that I could be trusted.

I cared about you. I loved you, I swear. I smiled at you despite my anger. I laughed with you in spite of my troubles. I let you be in my arms even if I needed yours more than you needed mine.

But you blew me off every time. You pushed me away. You shut me out. You let me down. Maybe it was just me who expected more on you, but maybe it was you who didn't do enough for me, just as how much I had done for and to you.

And so, if you didn't care, why did I even bother?



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