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It was hard, walking around the places where they used to hang out- where they laughed, where they talked, when things were fine, when they loved. It was hard looking at the traces of footsteps covered by hundreds more, only to realize that is how she would be after things were over between them.

She would be underneath the others.

It was hard to see him laugh and seemed perfectly okay without her. It felt as if she was not who he said she was- one who he could not live without. It was like, things were so much better with him without her.

And she was not. He was still who she said he was- one who she could not live without.

She tried. She looked at other guys but she failed to feel the same way she felt for him. Maybe he was different. Maybe they really had a connection. But maybe the world had a war and they were hostages placed in the same cage. And he had been set free.

It was hard, being here. Listening to same old songs, watching the same movies, putting on the same clothes. He had been a part of her. But was she a part of him, too? It was as if she had lost a limb or one of her 5 senses. It was as if she had lost her mind. She felt incomplete without him.

But it was alright. She tried and is still trying. One day, she believes, she will be over him, and she wouldn't mind being the footsteps underneath hundreds of others.



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