Chapter XII

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[(Y/n)'s PoV]
"Hello cousin?" "Yes couz?" "Can you come over here to see Hazuki?" "Okay I am excited to see her.I will be there at 5." "Kay bye cousin!"I said then hanging up the phone.Then a pair of arms snaked in my waist."Oh stop it Sasori!It's not funny!"I yelled."Who's Sasori (Y/n)?"Sasuke said."No!I-I mean he is there a while ago doing the same thing you did to me right now."I explained."Oh are you cheating on me?"he asked."Why would I cheat on my 'Great Uchiha' hmm?Are you jealous?"I asked with a sweet voice just to tease him."Yes in fact."he confessed."Aww jealous Uchiha!"Naruto yelled.Then Sasuke gave Naruto a death glare.Then after that a knock on my door made me to stand up and open the door.I saw Subaru and a girl with a yellow hair dressed in green cocktail dress which us above the knee,a long black socks and a black boots."Mikki!How are you dear cousin?"I yelled in happiness while hugging her tight."You changed a lot (Y/n)!"she said.Her voice is still sweet as a child."Oh you too!"I said back."Oh who are this guys?"she asked."Oh the yellow guy there is Naruto,the red headed one beside Hazuki is Gaara,and this one is Sasuke."I introduced them into Mikki."Then I must go on with Gaara."she joked."He's mine Mikki."Hazuki said."I know I am only joking and you believed it hahahahah!"she said while bursting out in laughter.I noticed that Sasuke is staring at Mikki but it doesn't bother me."Cut it out!"Naruto yelled.I giggled at their actions.

+/+Time Skip+/+
[(Y/n)'s PoV]
I am sitting in my couch,watching (favorite show besides anime *sorry guysss*) and eating my (favorite toppings on pizza)pizza.I went to my room to get my notebook to answer my assignments since I am not busy and Subaru is on a date with Tsukoyou.I noticed that my pen isn't working."Ugh damn pen."I hissed.I walked out in my room grabbing 10$ in my wallet and turned off the TV.I closed and locked my apartment.I am texting with Sai on my way to the shop until someone stole it from me."Hey give it back you bastard!"I shouted."Look on the other side of the lane first (Y/n)."Naruto said.I looked at the other side and I saw Mikki clinging on Sasuke.Then Sasuke pecked her lips.I widened my eyes at the look of them;they look so sweet.And I heard a shot from my cellphone.Naruto took a picture of them kissing.I covered my mouth as the tears form in my eyes.I shut my eyes and ran away with my one hand covering my mouth.Naruto ran after me.I tripped over a big rock and hit my head on the ground.Naruto chased me and he grabbed my forearm but I take off his hand and continue to ran away.This is what I get when I love someone.I said to myself that I wouldn't get through of this.I am blind.I can't see the reality.Until I got up on my house,I open my door and shut it loudly and I cried so loud that even Gaara asked Naruto about what happened.Hazuki tried to open my door but it's locked.Then I saw Naruto infront of me and I asked "How the fuck you get in here!!!"I yelled."By Teleportation Jutsu.Calm down (Y/n) okay calm down.I just want to give your phone back."he explained.I took my phone harshly from his hand and yelled "Now get the fuck outta here!!".I can't calm myself."(Y/n)?"a certain voice said my name.Naruto opened the door and I saw Subaru."Subaru!Sas-uke cheated on me!"I said while sobbing in tears."I know it.I saw them a while ago in the cafe where I and Tsukoyou dating.

[Subaru's PoV]
I am walking with Tsukoyou to the nearest cafe in my place.We went inside of the cafe.I seated in the 2-person table near the big glass window.As I am looking around,I saw Sasuke with Mikki.I saw him kissing Mikki's neck.He don't even noticed me.I saw Tsukoyou with a tray of our foods he ordered."Saw something scary Subaru?"he asked."Yeah."I talked back."Do not mind it."he replied.
-'-'-End of the Flashback-'-'-
[(Y/n)'s PoV]
I know it now."Wakkatte ita hazu (I should have known this)"I whispered."Wakkateiru (I know)"Subaru said.It hurts too much.He made a promise to me but he broke the promise.I remembered the things we are in the complicated situation.Begging me to stay in Konoha instead of going with uncle,giving him another chance and now this?I can't forgive him about it.I will never fix up with him.I will break up with him and it's my final decision.I will move on as much as possible."Love is sometimes hurts,but it most help people in their lives.You should find the right person for you."Subaru said in low tone."You are always here with me when I need you.Thank you for all of your help."I thanked her."Why are you saying that?It sounds like you are going somewhere."she asked with her usual tone."To heaven."I said.

*Ugh my story goes too crappy!I am sorry gomenasai! Gomenasai!Gomenasaiii!I promise next time it would be normal :"( thank you for reading it anyways.*

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