Chapter XVIII

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[Akira's PoV]
"Ne,Subaru-chan,how is your studies?"I asked."It's fine Akira.You?How about yah?"she asked."Akasuna is keep distracting me all the times.I can't deny that he is so cute and handsome that it can kill me anytime."I stated."But I will not let you die Akira."he responded."Hey stop flirting Akasuna!"I yelled."Oh guys go get a room.Anyway you two can sleep at (Y/n)'s room."Subaru said.

[(Y/n)'s PoV]
Where am I?I am sitting down crossed legs in the middle of the field of roses.I stand up and picked one rose.The rose disappeared in my hands as a ball of light appeared and flashed the time that I am crying in Sasuke's chest because I think that I was.....raped?And disappeared.So the roses are my memories right?Huh.But when I picked the rose I felt that the rose was cold.I just sit down again and thinked about Sasuke.I still love him deep inside me but I think it's time to forget about him.I am still wondering where I am.I stand up for once again and my surroundings changed into a hospital hallway I think?Then I saw Naruto,Sai,Lord Kazekage,Hazuki and Sasuke.I walked up to Sasuke and sat beside him."We were leaving Sasuke."Sai said.Sasuke just nodded."Bye bye Sai!"I waved at him energetically.Then Sasuke hid his face in his hands and sighed."I should never cheated on you (Y/n).I loved you deep inside my heart but why can't I moved on since you broke the bonds between us?I should never let you go.It's my fault why you are in here (Y/n).I should never inserted dark energy in you.I am so sorry.You can kill me if you want.I not deserved you.But please stay with your memories (Y/n).I want you that if you finally awake,you still remember me and my mistakes I'd done to you."he keep blaming himself for what happened.I tried to touched his hands but my hand went through of it.I said to him "It's okay Sasuke don't blame yourself.I just broke up with you for the best for both of us.I don't know that deep inside you,you are going through a lot of pain because of me.".Then I stand up infront of him and I said "I still do love you Sasuke.".But he doesn't hear me.I just smiled at him and told him that I am excited to see him with my true vision.

[Kuroh's PoV]
"Arggh Deidara!Hurry up now!"I groaned in frustration."Okay just calm down okay,un."Deidara said.He went down and we go to (Y/n)'s house to visit (Y/n).We hurried up."Ne Kuroh do you want to really visit my niece,un?" "Of course I do!I am so worried about her.".

[Sasuke's PoV]
"I love you (Y/n) so much.I didn't mean to cheat on you.Please wake up for me,live for me and be with me."I said as I stare at her in the operation room.I can hear the cardiovascular reader beep.Beep...beep...beep...beep...beep...beeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppp."What the heck?Nurse!Doctor!!!"I yelled as I knock on the glass window many times,hoping that it break.The medical ninjas quickly went to her room and they do some operations."Don't go far away from here (Y/n)."

[(Y/n)'s PoV]
Where am I now?I am in a dessert village?Oh the Suna which is Lord Kazekage protects.I took a walk around the Suna.I stop my tracks infront of Lord Kazekage's office.I entered Gaara's office.I saw Hazuki crying in Gaara's arms while holding a picture of me and her.Gaara is trying to comfort her.So they truly loves me.Idiot why don't they love you if they know the real (Y/n) (L/n).Then Hazuki's phone rang and Gaara answered it for Hazuki.It's Sasuke calling for an emergency I think?"Hey Sasuke what's problem?"Gaara asked him on the phone."(Y/n)!(Y/n)'s heart stopped from pumping.She will die!"Sasuke yelled.I saw Hazuki widened her eyes as she heared thet I will die?Oh?"(Y/n)!!!Stay alive!!Stay here with us!!"she yelled.I frowned of just what I heared from them.I saw my surroundings changed again.From Suna to a white surrounding.I am now dressed in a white gown.I looked around me and I saw Sasuke sitting in the corner."Hey Sasuke!What are you doing here?"I asked him."(Y/n)..............(Y/n) just died right in front of those stupid doctors,nurses and medical ninjas.I love her so much that I can't sleep every night when I am going to sleep.I am always thinking of her.She shouldn't died.She shouldn't go away."he stated.I died?Hey what is he thinking?I could feel everyone is worried for me.I died really?But how?

*Sorry for a long update.I am focused on my practice in my graduation.Sorry guys I promise that I will make stories more often after my graduation.Anyway guys I want to thank you all because of your support on my books.Again,Hontoni Gomenasai minna,suimasen.*

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