Diary Entry #9

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Hey Blush!

Raymond here.


Seriously, it's a privilege to talk to you. I cant believe Snow let me do it. I literally had to beg to her.

Anyway, you're worth it, you know.

I had to thank you.

You were the one who was there with Snow and you listened to her and you kept her going. Without questioning or judging her.

Its awesome of you.

Thank You So Much.

So today was Snow's birthday. And everything was just as I had planned it to be.

Finally I had made everything right. It took me a year to talk to Julie and make her understand how wrong she had been all these years. I mean, I'm not anyone to judge what's right and what's wrong.

But I know one thing for sure.

Hurting my Snow is wrong.

And she had been doing it for as long as Snow could remember.

Well, Peter, Garrett, Stacey and Nicole were a big help too. And we never gave up.

Wrapping it all up, my mission was successful.

This was all for Snow.

My Snow.

I am so so so so so so so so blessed to have her.

I can't even describe how happy she makes me.

She completes me.

Without her, there is no life.

She's my angel.

God, I could go on and on and on about her.

There's so much more to her than she reveals.

And I am glad I get to see it all.

I love that she loves me too.

I mean, isn't it amazing?

Who ever thought we could be together. We're total opposites!

But damn, I'm so lucky!

And her smile!

I have said it many times and I can say it a hundred more times.

I could die to see that smile on her face.

That. One. Killer. Smile.

Blush, I wake up everyday to see that smile of hers.

Can you believe it?

She's my drug and I'm so gladly addicted to her.

Now I must stop.

She's yelling at me to not spill my words all over you with that bad handwriting of mine.

I'm off!

To hold her.

To kiss her.

To love her.

Farewell Blush!

Raymond S.


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