Chapter 14

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Retaliated: Chapter 14

~Lexis P.O.V.~

Coming down the stairs fresh out the shower, I was feeling pretty damn good. I got my usual kiss on the cheek from Ivanna and a distant wave from LJ so now I just needed some affection from Nelle Bells and my morning- well it's a little after noon... Either way, my day will be made.

"What are you doin'?" I asked when I reached the kitchen. I saw bowls stacked high in the sink and many smells overwhelming me. It smelled good and all but there was so much to smell at one time. "Oh God, family dinner?"

"Yup. We all need to catch up on our lives, I especially want DeShawn to share his news." I walked up to her from behind as she was stirring something at the counter and wrapped my arms around her waist. "You're clearly in a very good mood." She added and then reached back to kiss my cheek but I had to lower my cheek down for her to do so. "Thank you."

"That means It's gonna be here too. He's sitting at the farthest seat from mine, but that's nice we'll see everyone." It's not that I don't like Trey, he's my son and I love him but it's the shit he says that makes me wanna throw him off the roof or something along those lines. "And yes I'm in a very good mood. I got the kids watchin' a movie in our room so we can go to one of the guest rooms-"

"I have no time for that. I got a lot to cook and prepare for." Well so much for that but we always got plenty of time after the dinner so I'm not about to let this ruin my day. "Is it bad that I miss the older boys here at the house?"



"No." Then why ask if you already had the answer you- whatever. "I don't miss 'em. Let them go be grown and do their own thing. They can't stay with us forever, except for Ivanna because she not allowed to leave." World is full of fuck niggas so no. She'll thank me in the long run for that.

"We're not even gonna discuss the topic of Ivanna but I want them back home. I went into Ty's old room before I came down here and I swear it put me into my feelings. Made me remember when I first put him in there to sleep by himself, all the mornings I'd walk in to get him up for school or brought him food when he was sick- it just made me really miss him."

"All he did when he was here was sit on my couch watching my TV and eating up all my snacks when he wasn't in his room."

"You didn't need those snacks and you know it." She said with a laugh as she reached back to pat my stomach. "With Ty eating all the snacks, it didn't allow you to balloon up. Excuse me though, I need to get all of this done."

"Snacks wouldn't have done shit but Aight, I'm gonna be with the kids. If you need any help, just holla." She nodded her head and I peeled myself off of her, escaping the kitchen to get up to my room. Both kids were laid up among the pillows and blankets just zoned into the TV like zombies. "Y'all really into that mov-"

"Shh Daddy." LJ said without even as much as looking my way. "If you wanna stay, you have to shh."

"Well who died and made you king?"

"You died. I'm king."

"Boy, you thought. Scoot over so I can sit next to your sister." I said when I wedged myself between them. "Aye baby girl."

"Hi Daddy." Her arms around my neck in a tight hug. "Can Rio and I watch movies after dinner tonight?"

"If Natalia, Rochelle, LJ, Joel, Junior, and Breezon can too." She nodded her head with a big smile. "By the way, you and I haven't had our time together this week. Tomorrow you and I are gonna go get ice cream after I visit my trap, aight?" I like to take time out of the week where it's just her and I. With the boys, they just tell me things automatically but with Ivanna, I wanna make sure that she knows she can tell me anything at any time, especially as she gets older.

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