Chapter 16

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Retaliated: Chapter 16

~Trey P.O.V.~

My mind was racing. I swear, I just want Drake to do something to set off an entire gang war. I want the satisfaction of knowing IRG was able to take out not just Drake, but everyone else who's working for him. There is no greater satisfaction to me than coming out victorious when it comes to a gang war. I'm disappointed that the one out in Detroit wasn't even properly finished, I'd kill to fly out there and get involved but Mom would have the whole damn barn if she heard about me going.

I have to say, sitting back like this and not doing anything has me too restless. Is this how Breezy feels all the time 'cause of his ADD? Now I know how he feels but sitting at home just isn't working for me. There is shit to get involved in and people of interest to find yet I'm told to sit still and be a couch potato.

Grabbing my phone and a black wife beater out of the open top drawer of my dresser, I slipped it on and headed down the stairs. It just dawned on me... Is Ty aware of Diamond being back? I needa make sure he's aware. I'll stop by Ty's house first and then snoop around some hot spots for some people who might know a thing or two.

I wasn't in the mood to drive, mainly because my car needs a day off. She been goin' all over the place lately and I'm sure her engine and tires and exhausted so she gets to relax happily in the garage. I take better care of that car than I take care of myself and that says something. I may be conceited as fuck but I'm not selfish... With the mirror I am but that's a different story for a different day.

Walking down the street, Ty's house was in view and I could see him outside mowing his lawn. Isn't he hot? The sun is just baking the hell out of Oakland today and you choose to do your lawn? Nigga you coulda done it tomorrow or even in the evening. Watch you get heat exhaustion but don't call my ass when you're throwing up your stomach.

"What's good Ty?" I asked when I approached him. "Take a break and get somethin' to drink, you're sweating more than a broke nigga walkin' next to some Versace store." I said pulling him up onto the porch to get him out of the heat.

"I'm good T. Had some spare time and thought I'd clean up the yard." He said with a laugh. "What are you doin'?" I followed him inside and we went to the kitchen where he pulled down a cup from a cupboard up above to fill with water from the fridge.

"On a walk. You're aware Diamond's back, right?" He looked up at me blankly. "I take that as a no, well she's back and she was talkin' to me yesterday at the gas station. Asked about you and August-" He let out an irritate groan as he rested his head against the fridge door handle. "-someone's not happy. I told her August had Paris and you're married." He basically is at this point, there's just no legal marriage license to prove it but isn't marriage about sacrificing your freedom and compromising your life for your spouse? Yeah, Ty does that already for Tilly Beans.

"Why is she back? Didn't she run off and marry some nigga?" I nodded. "So why she back?"

"Already divorced. She got bored with him and he snored, so she was done. I'm just tellin' you what she told me and now you know. Don't be too surprised when she shows up at your door one of these days."

"I won't answer. I cut her off when she moved away and I wanna keep it that way. August is scared of her anyways and Paris doesn't like her so not a chance for her gettin' close to him."

"Is it bad that I'd want to see them fight? I'm waitin' for Trina to come throw some hands to one of the other strippers." That just made me think of something. Don't know why I ain't think of it earlier on but at least I thought about it now.

"Nah, I'd pay to see it. You talked to the twins?" I shook my head. "Neither have I."

"I'm not gonna be at the trap this week, you?" I always feel some type of way when I'm at the trap with Dad, 'cause I know he laughing on the inside about how I still don't have the gang all to myself. Which has left me to skip a week at the trap, not like I'd be missin' much anyways.

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