Chapter 16

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Alexandra POV

I took Kristy to the park near the cinema to enjoy the moment of being alone with her.

What? I just simply appreciate this right time that I am allowed to feel this romantic about her right?


So, she walks toward a bench slowly and gracefully sitting down.

"What are you thinking about?", I asked while slowly approaching her.

She seems quite lost in her own trail of thoughts.

So I sit beside her quietly, wondering what has been inside of that pretty little head of hers.

She opened up her mouth several times before closing it back. Looks like quite some thinking she's been doing there.

But after a while,

"You remember that time when Candice tagged along eating her lunch with us?"

"Hummm yeah..?", I answered quite unsurely as to where this will go.

"...and she asked me if I am the other lesbian on the squad?"

"So it's true then?", I cut her before she tried to form another sentence. I can be impatient sometimes!

"What?", this time it's her turn to form some creases on her forehead.

"Is it true that you are only experimenting something with me...?"

"...I mean, who am I kidding right? Of course you are! You are being nothing but nice to me all this time! I practically forced you to be my girlfriend and then..."


I stopped my rambling straight after I heard her melodious voice softly calling out my name.

"Will you at least listen to me first before you started to ramble hummm honey?", she asked politely while gently smile at me.

"I'm not rambling...", I muttered slowly while tried to focus on whatever she wants to say.

"First of all you didn't force me to do anything okay? I'm doing it willingly just as much as you do."

"But..!", I stopped when I saw her glaring at me. She can be scary at time.

"You were kinda right before ya know? About me being homophobic. I never thought I was behaving like one until you asked me that out of the blue. What makes you asked me that by the way?"

I composed myself before answered her.

"It's just something I've been wondering for some times I guess. I saw your disgusted expression when we saw Jaeden and Nicholas or any other gay couples in our school. I'm sorry if my question somewhat offend you."

I felt kinda bad to put her on the spot like that when I asked her last time.

"It's okay. Like what I've said before, maybe I was quite a homophobic..."

"So you are not one now?", I cut her impatiently.

What? It's just a best opportunity for me to ask her that kind of question right?

"You are so impatient aren't you?", she chuckled amusingly.

"...and yeah I don't think I can be one now. With my chance of being your girlfriend and how you treated me nicely like this, how can I be one?"

Her answer somehow giving me some hopes. That maybe, just maybe, whatever is happening between us can be a real thing someday..!

"And we never talk about you ya know? Like do you like girls or...?", she trailed her words slowly.

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