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"Olivia Linn Davis, what is this?" I hear my mom shout from the kitchen.

I slide on the hardwood floors as I run into the kitchen. My mom is looking down into the trashcan suspiciously. The cold fear in me immediately vanishes. For some 'off the wall' reason, I thought she had found out that I was hanging out with a pegacorn, but that's not possible when looking into a trashcan.

"What?" I ask as walk over to her.

She points down into the bag. I look at what she's pointing toward. At first, I'm confused, but then I realize what it is.

"Oh, Kitty got sick on her stomach. Don't worry. I cleaned it up." I tell her nonchalantly.

She nods and continues to pull the bag out of trashcan, "Okay, as long as you got it all up."

I hesitate before asking the question, "Can I invite Roxanne over?"

"Yeah, you can. You haven't had any of your friends over lately. Why's that?" Mom asks me.

"Been busy." I reply as I text Roxanne to see if she's free.

Two minutes later she texts back saying that she has some free time. As soon as I read the text, I grab the jet ski keys and run down to our small dock on the lake.

Roxanne lives on the other side of the lake from us. Instead of driving all the way around the lake, I usually go right across the water.
A few minutes later I'm at Roxanne's dock. My legs are wet from the ride, but that's not a problem. Roxanne runs down to the dock and climbs onto the back of my jet ski. I throw her a greeting, and she quickly waves at me. Once she's safely aboard, I shoot back across the lake toward my house.

The water splashes by the jet ski as I bounce across the waves caused by fellow boats. The sun's rays heat my back as I keep my eyes ahead of me.

When we arrive at my family's dock Roxanne and I begin to talk about our weekend. The human part of my weekend was pretty much uneventful, but not the mythical part. Too bad I couldn't tell her about that. It would be nice to tell all of my worries to Roxanne.

"I've been worried about these things happening in town. Nothing has happened in two nights, but that just means they'll strike again," I hear my neighbor talking with my mom as we walk up to the house.

Roxanne also heard them and tells me, "I heard about that house that burned near here. What happened to the family during the fire?"

I open the back door and say as I walk in, "I heard that someone had to get the boy out of the house, but they're safe. The person who saved that boy barely managed to get himself out. Why'd you want to know?"

"Oh, just wondering. I heard Wonona and Cellcy talking about it the other day." Roxanne mumbles.

We go straight to my bedroom. My room is what you would call unique, original, and personalized. There isn't a theme or any cute color coding going on. Just different, but that's because I have made it that way.

The walls are a faint light blue and the carpet is an off-white color that almost has a creme hue to it. My bed has a zebra pattern comforter on it. I've had it since I was eleven, but I'm too stubborn to replace it because I can't find any other bedspreads that are as soft as that one. Whenever I get tired of zebra stripes I'll flip it over so that the black side shows. Right now neither the black side nor zebra print can be seen because I have a huge blanket spread over my bed. On the the thick blanket is a tiger laying in the jungle.

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