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I wait for Walker in the park like I do every night. It's so much different tonight though, because I now know he has lied to me the entire time I've known him.

Last night he claimed that he wanted to get some rest before school the next morning. I understood completely, and believed him too. Minutes later I witnessed the attempted destruction of town hall. Obviously, Walker shoved me off so that he could go play destruction with his corrupt buddies.

While I sit there under the tree, the distant flapping of wings becomes heard overhead. The moon is barely noticeable. It looks like a thin white glowing talon up in the dark midnight sky.

The alicorn lands heavily in the grass a few yards away. The sharp scent of wood flows toward me.

Walker knows I'm in the trees' shadow, but luckily he hasn't seen my dark expression. His black horn looks like polished obsidian. The two vampire-like fangs sticking out of his mouth make him look intimidating... and dangerous. My lion tail flicks from side to side as Walker finally starts toward me.

"Hey, what's up, Thea?" The alicorn asks, happy to see me.

I'm glad you don't know my real name. You aren't worthy enough to have the privilege of speaking it.

I don't answer his bright greeting. My bitterness boils underneath my pelt. He obviously senses that something is wrong.

The alicorn snorts, "You're still mad about me not giving you my number? Really?"

I begin my planned assault.
"Oh, I know why you didn't want me to have it," I say coldly.

I don't let him answer as I continue, "But that's okay. It makes sense. All the flawless manipulations. You had a well made web, Walker."

I had trusted Walker even though I knew little about him. That betrayal had sent an icy dagger into my heart. At first, that dagger was painful, and then the cold stab turned into a frozen numbness. My pain quickly shifted into anger. Whenever hurt, I usually don't stay focused on the things that have caused the hurt. But this is different. My pain has boiled into a writhing hate.

It's a good thing that I'm not truly hurt often. Or else there would always be a dark griffin lurking in the shadows.

Walker thinks over my words as if he's confused by their meaning. A look of questioning crosses over his black alicorn face.

He starts, "Thea. What are talking about?"

I scoff, "I am so glad I didn't tell you my real name. You're too low to have the privilege of knowing my real name."

The insult hits home. A sharp intake of breath is all that is heard from Walker. He takes one step away and pulls his head back shocked.

Now he'll start to experience the hurt I felt myself. Unless, his black color reflects how he constantly feels. Dark.

"What is this all about?" He says taken aback.

The bitterness inside me comes out full force, "You lied to me. Manipulating me like I was a child. Telling me you wanted to catch some rest for school the next day. A few minutes later I find you and your friends trying to ignite town hall."


"Stop pretending like you don't know! This charade is over, Walker! I thought that I had finally found someone who knew how I felt about being a mythical creature, but I have only found the complete opposite."

Whatever emotions pent up inside him comes out when hearing my last words. A pained and furious, Walker confronts me now, "I can't stand- No, I can't comprehend how you have conjured up such accusations. After figuring out that neither one of us were doing the vandalisms, you still thoughtlessly accuse me."

"I'm not accusing you. I'm voicing the truth. Lie all you want. You know who the guilty one is." I taunt the alicorn.

"How can you say that? You make no sense..."

Walker quickly continues without waiting for my answer, "Stay away from me, you selfish griffin. You only care about your own well being. It's pathetic. You blame these vandalisms on me when you have little to no evidence. Jumping right on me at the slightest hint of suspicion. Just can't wait to sink those talons into me at the slightest chance, can you?"

I hesitate. Deep inside my heart a tiny hole opens. The cause of the hole comes from doubt. Not doubt in Walker but.... in myself.

Could he be right? Was I that thoughtless to let myself think he was the one committing the crimes?

The alicorn, who I had previously felt bitter toward, turns and stomps away. A small pain blossoms in my chest. This isn't a physical pain but an emotional pain.

I begin to chase after Walker. A random overwhelming urge to apologize takes over. Except I'm stopped short when Walker spins around toward me.

"Don't follow me. Don't ever talk to me. Don't come near me. Don't think about me. Don't do anything that pertains to me ever again." He hisses at me with his white fangs appearing more terrifying by the second.

I now see the utter heartbreaking pain spread across him. It's in his eyes, the way he stands, and the way he breaths. The broken spirit inside him can not be masked. The weight of my wrong decision suddenly hits me full force.

Walker whirls back around and leaves me standing in the park alone. The pounding of his hoofs slowly fades into the night. Reminding me that I had misjudged my former ally... and friend.

Alone. A lost ally. No longer trusted by the only other known person who possesses my abilities.

How could I do this? What made me think it would be a good idea to do this?

I could have taken this a different direction. Instead of accusing him carelessly, I could have tried to talk with him. Even negotiated with him if he really was involved.

My misunderstanding of Walker being a criminal has gone too far. I should have thought over the matter more.

This is my fault. All my fault.

I'm going to follow Walker. I don't expect him to ever forgive me though...

I run in the direction the alicorn fled moments ago. My front eagle feet trip me up. I persist myself to keep going nonetheless. There is an apology that needs to me voiced. It's going to happen, but that doesn't mean that Walker will forgive me in return. I won't blame him if he holds a hatred toward me from now on.

Part-Time GriffinWhere stories live. Discover now