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Staying in the closet last night was not fun. My griffin half consistently urged me to go outside and be free. But I knew I couldn't do that with the still-healing wound on my back. My phone couldn't keep me occupied enough, and I eventually Googled alicorns and pegacorns. After very many bored hours, I finally fell asleep curled up in soft blankets.
I wake up before the rest of my family. Before they can arise, I choose my clothes for the day. A pair of jean shorts and a simple red t-shirt with the brand's name written across it.
The sound of a door opening can be heard from across the hallway. Exactly two seconds later, Felicity pops her head in.
"What?" I ask as I straighten the wrinkles out of my shirt.
She comes inside, "You gonna tell Mom and Dad that Diesel's a mythical creature?"
"No! Not now. One day I will, but definitely not today." I tell her quickly.
Felicity gives me a smug look.
"Don't sat anything to Mom or Dad." I order my sister.
Shrugging, she replies, "Don't worry. I won't."
"Okay... Hey, I recently found out that Diesel is your teacher's assistant. Why didn't you tell me this? You practically know Diesel. This whole year and you never told me?" I narrow my eyes.
She walks closer and grins sarcastically, "I guess it never occurred to me."
I turn back to her and give her an annoyed expression. Then I turn my head back to the mirror so I can stare her down through the looking glass. Without notice, Felicity gives me a light punch... in the exact same place I got shot!
I gasp and lean forward on the dresser. My wound is nearly healed, but it is still as sore as all get out. Hot fire erupts across my back, and I jerk my shirt off without thinking. Then I stare at the bullet wound on my back as I brace myself on the dresser. A few drops of blood dribbles from the scab.
"What happened?" Felicity asks staring at my back.
I forgot that she was in the room with me, but she's my sister so I'm not concerned whether she sees my back or not.
I grab a tissue off of my dresser and dab away the tiny drops of blood. Then I immediately throw my shirt back on.
"What just happened? How did you get hurt like that?" Felicity questions fervently.
I smile, "What are you talking about?"
She roles her eyes, "Olivia, I'm not stupid. Now tell me how you got hurt like that."
"You know. Being a griffin I sometimes get hurt running around." I tell her.
She crosses her arm and growls , "Tell me the truth, or I am telling Mom and Dad that Diesel is an alicorn."
I glance toward the door of my room. I well know that Felicity doesn't make empty threats. She would gladly tell my parents that my crush is an alicorn and that I've been hanging out with him every night.
I want to tell my parents that I've found someone who has abilities like me, but I have to get them used to Diesel first.
I shake my head, "Okay, Felicity. I'll tell you, but keep your voice down, please."
I sit on my bed and say sternly, "Don't tell a soul what I'm about to tell you, Felicity. Not Mom or Dad. You hear me?"
She nods quickly.
"I'm serious. I'm not going to tell you unless you promise." I glare her down.
"I promise. I promise. Now spit it out already, Olivia!"
Should I? Of course I'm not going to tell her everything... just enough to quench her curiosity. If I told her everything she would freak out big time.
Sighing, I begin my partial lie, "I was at Roxanne's house on Saturday night, remember? Well, Diesel needed my help with something so I slipped outside, and when I came back to Roxanne's house later... one of Roxanne's brothers... shot me."
It's not the truth, but it's sort of. I know there's no excuse for lying, but it's better that Felicity knows as little as possible about my problems. For her safety primarily.
Felicity's reaction to what I have told her is just as expected, "What? Did you go to the hospital? Are you okay? Olivia, I didn't know it was-"
I gently put my hand on her shoulder and put a finger to my lips. My sister immediately stops.
I continue, "Diesel saved my life. No, we didn't go to the hospital. Diesel and his friend both helped me. And yes, I'm okay."
I give her a reassuring smile, and she stutters, "Whoa, you... got... shot. You could have died!"
"I know."
She whispers so my parents don't hear, "So how did Roxanne react to this?"
"Um... she was in the house when I got shot. Her brother just saw me as a griffin and thought that I was some wild animal... I texted Roxanne later saying that I had felt bad and gone home." I make up another lie quickly.
"Hmmm... Okay. Hope she doesn't get suspicious." Felicity says.
Oh, you don't even know the beginning of it, my dear sister!
Suddenly, arms wrap around me and I look down to see Felicity's tiny figure hugging me. I tightly hug her back.
She mumbles, "Please be careful next time. I don't want to lose you."
My eyes start to sting with tears. I blink them away abruptly.
Felicity pulls back saying amazed, "Diesel saved your life."
"Yes, he did." I smile then I stand from the bed, "I'll tell you the whole story one day, but right now I want breakfast."
I hope she doesn't find out the whole story about what happened Saturday night. One day I'll explain the full truth, but not today, not for a long while.
Diesel's sleek, red Camaro drives up to my house. An undeniable smile grows on my face. I walk away from the living room window and into the foyer.
"Mom! Dad! Diesel's here. Come meet him." I shout from the front door.
A minute later, Diesel steps up to the door and I immediately invite him inside.
"How are you?" Diesel asks, but I know that he's actually wanting to see how I feel after being shot in the back.
"I'm good." I give him a knowing look.
Dad walks up first with Mom right behind him. Felicity comes last.
"Diesel, this is my mom and dad. And there's Felicity, but you already know her." I smile at my family.
Diesel politely extends his right hand toward my parents, "It's nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Davis."
They exchange a hand shake, and my parents begin speaking with Diesel.
I know my parents better than anyone. So far I can tell by how they're acting that they like Diesel and respect him.
I can't believe my crush is actually inside my house!
Right now isn't one of those girly freak out moments. No, it's one of those 'wow' moments where random facts finally dawn upon you suddenly. It's sort of a 'I can't really believe this is happening' feeling but with a calm composure.
So after what seems like ages, my parents appear to have grown a healthy respect for Diesel. The way the smile reaches their eyes and their nods are honest.
Finally, we leave. My parents watch me like gargoyles as I head out the door. Diesel goes out to his car while I get inside my Toyota Camry. He backs out of my driveway and I do the same. Once we're both on the road, I follow Diesel to his house.
For some reason I always assumed that he lived near the sawmill that his dad owns. Diesel always smells like fresh cut wood. Why else would he have such a scent clinging to him?
Well, he is helping his family build a cabin. I guess that explains the new timber odor that constantly lingers on him.
Instead of living near the sawmill, we end up farther outside Mellark than I previously assumed. Beautiful golden fields spread out around us. Rolling hills are set as a background as we drive through the countryside. As we continue, trees engulf us once again. The huge trees tower over us making it feel like a tunnel.
Diesel suddenly flips on his right turn signal. I then follow him down a long gravel driveway. A few minutes pass and the thick trees open up to reveal a beautiful house that ought to be on the cover of some fancy magazine. It has the look of an old farmhouse, but a modern edge to it.
Diesel parks off to the left side. Almost a dozen cars are parked near or around the house. I decide to stay close to where Diesel has chosen to park.
I pull the key out of the ignition and open my door to slowly climb out.
Diesel gets out of his car and comes toward me, "Sorry about all the cars. This is sort of a family reunion in a way..."
"Oh, I hope I'm not intruding." My cheeks start to grow warm and a sudden shyness firmly grabs hold of me.
He smiles and shakes his head, "No, we just don't invite the family, but friends, neighbors, and about anyone who we know. You're not intruding, Olivia."
I nod and that tight feeling loosens some.
"I know you won't know any of these people, but you'll get to meet my parents and my older brother. Ash will be here too... That reminds me... Ash will want that explanation I owe him." Diesel's happy mood turns to a crestfallen one.
Ash is Diesel's friend who helped me the other night. Even though I don't know him I have a lot to thank him for. Plus, Diesel explained to me that Ash had demanded an explanation as to why I was shot and why I was not going to the hospital.
I lighten the mood, "Hey, don't worry about it. We'll settle that later. Now, I want to meet your family."
Diesel's family is huge. He has four uncles and five aunts. Some of them have children of their own so you can imagine how many people are here.
I'm surprised when I hear Diesel mumble something about how the family's friends won't be arriving for half an hour. There's already a massive number of people here already.
Goodnight, how many people are going to be here?!
Diesel guilds me through his house so that I can meet his parents. A few family members mingle in the house, but most of them are outside underneath the shade trees in the back yard.
I follow Diesel into his kitchen where three women are hard at work preparing the food. Delicious smells of deserts wash around me. The kitchen itself is beautiful. Flawless stone countertops, flowers outside the window, happy yellow paint covering the walls, and an island makes its home in the center of the kitchen.
"Hey, Mom!" Diesel speaks up.
A lady wearing a blue apron turns to us. She wipes her hands on a dishtowel as she walks toward Diesel. Her gaze moves from her son and settles on me. A bright cheerful smile spreads across her face and reaches her crinkled eyes.
"Oh, you must be Olivia. Diesel said that you'd be coming today. I'm glad you could join us."
I shake her hand and say, "Thank you for inviting me, Mrs. Summers."
"Any time, Olivia. Now I need to get back to work. I'll see you two later." Mrs. Summers smiles once more and turns back to join the other two women who must be Diesel's aunts.
Diesel then leads me out of the kitchen and to the back door. In the back yard are several different tables set up in the shade.
"Diesel! Gimme a hand over here." A guy about the age of twenty shouts.
Diesel quickly says to me, "I'll be right back."
I watch him sprint to the other guy. As Diesel helps him, I start to realize that they look a lot alike.
That must be Diesel's brother, Garret. He mentioned him yesterday at the restaurant.
Suddenly, an unrecognizable voice says beside me, "Hi."
At first I think the person is talking to someone else, but it slowly dawns upon me that the person is talking to me.
"Oh, I'm sorry." I turn to look at the other teenager.
He's about Diesel's height and has dirty blond hair with hazel eyes. The teen is wearing a simple t-shirt and khaki shorts.
"It's fine." Is all he replies.
I wait a few seconds and we are surrounded by an awkward silence. Uneasiness hits me like a grenade.
A nervous smile covers my face as I ask, "Um, do I... know you?"
He shakes his head as if waking from a daze and says laughing, "Oh, I wasn't thinking. I didn't even introduce myself. I'm Ashton Miller, but just call me Ash."
My uneasiness fades and I grin back, "Really? I've really been wanting to thank you... for... you know."
I whisper that last part to him. All while hoping that no one in this huge gathering happens to be eavesdropping on us.
Ash nods solemnly, "It's no problem."
I can tell that Ash wants to ask me something, but Diesel comes back to me with his brother following from behind.
Turning back to his brother, Diesel says, "Garret, I want you to meet Olivia."
Garret looks down at me and I'm immediately shocked by how blue his eyes are. A cobalt blue fills his irises. For some weird reason I feel like he can see straight through me and see my other half. I blink, and suddenly Garret's eyes are no longer blue but hazel again.
Contacts. He must have contacts.
...Or I'm going crazy from being shot two days ago.
Garret introduces himself and so do I. I glance between Diesel and Garret. They look almost the same except that Garret is a taller and larger version of Diesel.
"I heard that you were in college." I say to Garret.
Garret's deeper voice is more drawn out than Diesel's, "Yeah, I am. My college let out last week for summer break. Right now I have two more years to go."
Diesel slaps his brother on the back and says, "Yeah, he's going to a fancy college in Florida."
"Really?" I raise an eyebrow.
Garret nods and says shyly, "Yeah, I've really enjoyed it even though it's away from home, and I can't deny that I love the beach."
I'm about to ask what degrees Garret's majoring in, but I hear someone clear their throat next to me. I turn to see that Ash is still there.
"I guess you met Ash." Diesel tells me as his brother walks off to help set up some more things.
I laugh, "Yes, I did."
Ash crosses his arms saying, "I don't mean to be rude, but you both owe me an explanation and I've been dying to hear it."
Diesel seems to turn white, "Um... how about after we eat. Okay?"
"Sure." Ash seems dissatisfied.
Ash suddenly straightens up and tells Diesel, "Oh, by the way, a bunch of your younger cousins decided to congregate
in your room. I forgot to mention that."
Diesel suddenly races off to the house without another word. Ash and I are left to our own devices.
"So how did you meet Diesel?" Ash asks as we slowly follow Diesel.
"Um... school... sorta. How about you?"
He shrugs, "Been his neighbor for as long as I've lived here in Mellark. I'm not sure when we first met, because I was too young to even remember it. I just know that I've always been his right-hand man and he's been my left-hand man."
Ash laughs under his breath as if recalling an amusing memory.
I guess Ash is Diesel's equivalent to my friendship with Roxanne.
Thinking of my once-best friend hurts. Too many questions are still unanswered and unanswerable.
I dread seeing her at school tomorrow. I never thought I'd ever feel that way toward her. Now we have bad blood separating us. Bonding our broken relationship seems to grow more distant each time I think of it.
Ash leads me inside the house, down a hallway, and up some stairs. My special hearing helps me distinguish voices speaking on the second floor.
At the top of the stairs we take a right and walk down a longer hallway. Ash suddenly takes a left at the door where the voices are coming from.
"Be careful with that picture, Paige. Braden, how did you even find that knife? Dillon please get off my computer." Diesel's desperate voice emits from the room.
Ash walks through the doorway, and from the hallway I gaze at five children between the ages of five and eleven. Most, if not all of them, are getting into Diesel's personal belongings.
I laugh under my breath as I step into the room. Diesel quickly notices my presence and his face turns bright red.
"Okay, everyone. It's time to eat." He says this as if it may help wash the kids out of his room.
The youngest of them is a five year old girl with short, blond pigtails. Her eyes are as green as emeralds.
She crosses her arms and pouts, "But I don't wanna eat. I like your room better."
Ash suddenly steps in to save his friend, "Hey, how about we play hide and seek outside?"
The five of them all give Ash a look that says 'I don't know who you but I like how you think'.
A few minutes later the five cousins are cleared out of Diesel's room and are wildly racing toward the backyard. I smile at their playfulness.
Reminds me of my cousins so much. Too bad I rarely ever see them.
I now start to look over Diesel's room. Since the kids are no longer a distraction I can finally see what an alicorn's room looks like.
Diesel's room isn't big. A desk with a computer, a bed, one short dresser, and a wide closet are the only significant items in his room. It seems boring when I leave out the details though.
Here's the rest of the room.
A poster of various animals hangs above his dresser. The lamp on his desk is actually a giraffe with a lamp shade attached to it. The rug in his room looks like a tiger pelt. A brass figurine of an elephant sits atop his dresser. The clock on his wall appears to have wolves running across a snowy backdrop. The comforter on his bed appears to have realistic-looking zebra stripes on it.
"I like your room." I tell Diesel as I gaze around.
Diesel seems embarrassed as he says, "Thanks, you're the first. People always put down my room. Guess because I'm too old for this stuff. I didn't think you'd be coming in here today or I would've changed it up a bit."
Ash snorts, "I'm telling you, man. This room hasn't changed much over the last few years. Hey, haven't you had this poster since you were eleven or something?"
I take up for Diesel, "My room is the same exact way. It's like time froze in there. Not much has changed for a long time."
Diesel crosses his arms and gives Ash a smug glance as we go out of the room, "At least someone likes my room."
"That's because she likes you, Diesel." Ash walks off triumphantly down the hall without us.
I turn to see that Diesel's face has turned red again. He's currently locking the door to his room.
"How're you going to get back in your room if it's locked?" I ask.
He turns to me, "I'll go through my window. I usually jump onto the roof and walk up to where my window is."
As we go toward the stairs Diesel adds in, "I've been doing it every night for the past two weeks."
"You still haven't told your parents... about being an alicorn?"
We reach the staircase and he shakes his head slowly, "No, might be best not to. I'm considering telling Garret though. He'll understand... maybe."
Quickly, Diesel's mood changes, "That reminds me. You haven't met my dad yet. Come on."
We return to the backyard which now has more people in it. I'm lead to a group of men who are meandering around a large grill. Only one of them is tending to the grill itself.
"Dad, this is Olivia."
The man at the grill turns to us, "Oh, nice to meet you, Olivia. I'd shake your hand, but I've got a handful right now as you can see."
He then lets out a deep, long laugh. The comforting type that helps you loosen up and makes you feel more a part of everything. I immediately like Mr. Summers.
Forty minutes later, I'm sitting at one of the long tables. An empty plate lies before me, and my stomach feels like it can hold no more.
Diesel's on my left, and Ash is on his left. On my right side, Garret is sitting. He's still working on his food. By the way, Garret is inhaling his food as if it'll be his very last meal. I stifle a laugh.
I've never been surrounded by so many guys. This is definitely a first.
"I hope you've had a good time so far." Diesel says from beside me.
I turn to him, "Yeah, I've had a great time. It's better than sitting in my house all day long anyway."
We soon stand, and I'm introduced to more of Diesel's cousins. Except, this time I get to meet the ones around our age. They're mostly girls, and they find their cellphones more interesting than anything else at the 'get-together'. Only a few seem to realize what's going on and they actually speak to me. All the guys around our age seem to be friendly.
Later on, the younger cousins somehow convince Ash, Diesel, and I to join in on their game of hide and go seek.
The blond hair, green eyed girl from earlier is the seeker. She starts counting down without anyone's signal, and everyone desperately races off in search of a hiding spot.
Someone grabs my right hand and I turn to see that Diesel's the one. An excited feeling fills me as I realize he's actually holding my hand.
"Come on. I know a good hiding spot where Paige will never find us." Diesel whispers as he pulls me along.
I let him guide me around to the front of the house. I hear the seeker, Paige, speed up her countdown as we gain distance.
The sun is setting and a beautiful orange color lights up the evening sky. Shadows are growing across the yard. The glow of a newborn bonfire spreads from a nearby field. People from the party surround it as they continue their adult conversations.
Diesel leads me underneath the front porch. We're completely hidden here since flowers and tall blooming bushes surround the entire porch. There isn't much light under here, but that's no problem for us. We're mythical creatures. The dark can't restrain us.
I whisper, "So why'd you let me hide with you?"
He gives me a smirk, "You think I'd let you struggle for cover by yourself? You wouldn't have had a chance. Paige is the best seeker. She would strike you down. I know the best places to hide since I'm the one who lives here."
"The porch is the best retreat?" I tilt my head.
"Yeah, I haven't hid here for a long time. Believe me, she'll never find us."
We become quiet as footsteps pound just yards away. They stop suddenly. Then they become closer. The person, probably Paige, walks onto the porch. The footsteps pass right over our heads, and both Diesel and I instinctively slide backwards where it's darker. After a few seconds of mumbling, the person runs off the porch and around the house.
When it's finally safe I say, "So were you insinuating that a griffin can't find a place to hide?"
He nods, "There shouldn't be any questions about it. A shadowy alicorn is always the best at lurking in the darkness."
"Oh, really? I challenge you to the ultimate game of hide and seek." I straighten my shoulders.
He gives me a sideways smile, "How does this 'ultimate game of hide and seek' work?"
"It involves an area that covers a mile in diameter. We both shapeshift, and one of us searches for the other. We each take turns doing this. Whoever finds the other the fastest wins 'the ultimate game of hide and go seek'."
"Sounds like a fair challenge. I accept. When shall this take place?" Diesel asks me.
My face falls, "Not tonight. We've got too much going on. Roxanne and the whole mess... I'd rather talk about that stuff when we meet later, tonight. But we will eventually play this glorified hide and seek."
"It's a deal." He winks.
Diesel quickly adds in, "Remember when we were still very suspicious of each other and I refused to give you my phone number?"
I smile, "I definitely couldn't forget that."
Diesel places his phone in my hand, "Put in your number and I'll text you later so that you can save my number too."
I quickly type in my name and cellphone number. Then I give the phone back to Diesel.
He slides it back into his pocket, "I guess I'll have to put a griffin as your contact photo."
I laugh, but I'm cut off as a herd of children run around the corner of the house shouting our names frantically.
"Everyone has been found except us. Looks like we won." Diesel whispers.
We both leave our hiding spot, and become the proud winners. Diesel appoints a new seeker, and we leave the children as they start a new round.
The warm glow of the huge bonfire draws us to it. Most of the family and friends are chitchatting or playing a game of horseshoe. A few adults keep a close eye on the children as the sunlight finally slips away.
Diesel and I stand a few feet from the bright fire. Heat flows toward us from the flames. The intoxicatingly sweet smell of woodsmoke fills the air.
I can feel Diesel's presence next to me. His strong and protective stance can be seen from the corner of my eye. His dark hair is messy from where he brushed his fingers through it earlier.
My eyes start to slowly and involuntarily turn toward him so that I can see him better. The orange fire glows brightly in Diesel's dark eyes as he stares at it. He easily notices my onlooking and turns to give me a smile. I quickly look back at the fire and bite my lip as I embrace the embarrassment.
My eyes fully stare into the crackling fire. I suddenly see the flames as what they really are. Hungry and licking to burn away anything.
Memories of when I saved the boy from the burning house flood through my mind uncontrollably. The horrible pain of the burns, the scorching heat all around, the smothering black smoke filling my lungs, and the uncontrollable fear.
I haven't ever thought of that memory much. Maybe it's because I saw a black alicorn that night and my mind had been focused on that more than anything else.
But as I look into this bonfire, I suddenly discover a fear that has never been there before. My eyes widen as I step backwards.
It's not going to jump out toward you, Olivia. It's not wild. See? You're safe.
Fear clenches my heart. My instincts scream at me to get away from that fire. Sudden thoughts of flames leaping out at me and devouring me block my vision.
"Olivia, what's wrong?" Diesel stands in front of me and cuts off my view of the fire.
I gaze into his concerned face, "Um... I... the fire-"
Ash randomly appears out of thin air, "Hey, can I speak to you two? I've been looking everywhere for you."
I watch a genuinely annoyed expression cross over Diesel's face when Ash interrupts. I shake my head, but this newfound fear of fire still lingers inside me.
I tell Ash with a still shaky voice, "Yeah, sure. Let's find somewhere else to talk."
We walk toward the woods, and I give once last glance at the fire. Fear strikes me again before I pull my eyes away.
Why am I so afraid? I've never ever been scared of fire. Even after the house fire I didn't have this uncontrollable apprehension. Is it the huge flames that triggered it?
Once well away from the adults, and the fire, Ash begins, "Okay. Tell me right now. How and why did Olivia get shot the other night? And how come you risked her life and didn't take her to the hospital like a sane person would do?"
This is mostly directed toward Diesel. I watch my crush's face turn pale at these demands and accusations. The uncertainty is clear. He doesn't know what to reply back to his friend.
I don't blame Ash the least bit. If I was in his shoes, I'd be asking the same exact questions. Actually, I have been in his situation before. A lone memory of how I interrogated Roxanne about her and her family crosses me mind.
I quickly pull Diesel aside so that I can speak with him. Confusion crosses his face.
I lower my voice, "I know what to do."
I sigh and slowly explain, "I know you want to keep your secret, but Ash is going to want to know the truth. I don't want you to end up losing a friend like I did. Since this is all centered on me anyway, I could... tell him about me. You wouldn't even have to tell him that you're an alicorn. I'll explain-"
He shakes his head, "No, you can't tell him. Don't reveal your secret so you can help hide mine. That's not right. You've been a griffin since you were nine. Only four people know that you are a mythical creature. Your family and I. You've worked too hard to keep it that way."
I glance at Ash and then back at Diesel, "He deserves to know the truth. Both you and Ash saved my life. It's the least I can do for him. I owe it to him."
"Are you choosing to do this? Or are you doing it as an obligation?" Diesel points out.
"Both, but I choose this. I'm not pressured into it. There are three reasons for why I'll tell him. Number one, he seems trustworthy and deserves the truth. Number two, to guard your secret for now. If Ash ever gets used to me being a freak and excepts me then you might decide to tell him as well. And number three, we might could use his help sometime in the future."
Diesel crosses his arms as if thinking deeply. His eyebrows are drawn together with that 'what should I do' expression. Ash clears his throat impatiently. I can hear him tapping his foot.
Diesel finally nods, "Maybe... you're right."
"Hey, you know I'm still waiting." Ash says annoyed.
We don't get to continue our conversation. I tell Ash to follow us deeper into the woods.
Please, please. Don't let me regret this decision.
The house's lights and the bonfire's glow are far from where we are in the woods. One single beam of moonlight streams through the trees. I stand in the center of it.
"Ash you have to promise not to tell anyone what's about to take place here." I command.
He gives me a hurt smile, "I haven't told anyone about your near-death experience so far. No one's ever going to know. Don't worry."
I nod without a reply.
Just start out from the deep end. Don't try explaining anything. Just do it!
I suck in a deep breath of air. The cool night air fills my tight lungs. I slowly let out the intake as I mentally prepare myself to purposely shift in front of this unaware human.
My eyes lock with Diesel's and I keep my eyes fixed with his as I begin to shift.
Feathers and fur grow across my skin as the clothes on my body are absorbed. My body changes and converts to the muscular structure of a griffin. Eagle wings extend from my strong shoulders. A lion tail sprouts from my lower back. Talons grow on my hands, and claws grow on my feet. My face has already changed to that of an eagle. I never know when it changes because I can never feel it. All the sensation in my face disappears in the few seconds between human and griffin.
My eyes are still locked with Diesel's. He's seen me as a griffin so many times, but this is the first time he's actually seen me shift. He watches me shift with a distant look of awe in his dark eyes.
I cringe before I turn toward Ash. Hoping that he won't freak out too much. My head swivels in his direction. Ash flinches away at this action.
Backing up against a tree he mumbles fearfully, "What are you?"
"I'm a griffin." I state flatly.
"What are you?" He repeats as if he never heard me.
"Ash, I'm a griffin."
He laughs nervously, "This isn't real. Maybe someone spiked that Mountain Dew. Or maybe I hit my head when we walked through the woods. Yeah, that's probably what happened. Hit my head... really hard."
Diesel puts his hand on his friend's shoulder, "Ash, you're not imagining anything."
Ash looks at the hand on his shoulder as if that may be a figment of his imagination as well. Then a sudden realization dawns upon him.
Ash turns to stare at me, "I want to know. Everything."
"Wow, it's kind of cool once you get used to it." Ash tells me after I explain things.
Things such as: what I am, how long I've been this way, and how I got shot by my best friend's brother.
"So you and Diesel didn't meet at school, did you?" He asks.
I shake my eagle head, "Nope, it's sort of complicated, but we've been trying to stop the criminals who are reeking havoc on Melark for a while now."
Nodding, Ask asks, "Then you find out that your own friend is your nemesis?"
I reply, "Yep."
I then shift back to a human. Both of the boys stare at me as my bones and muscles reform. I stand as the final human stages are complete.
My phone is somehow still in the pocket of my shorts. The process of how I absorb my clothes during a shift always bewilders me. Not even science can explain how a cellphone can disappear with the rest of my clothes when I became a griffin.
My phone vibrates and a chirping noise emits from my pocket. I pull my phone out to read a text from my mom: 'Where are you?'
I glance at the time on the screen. It's nine o'clock. My parents probably think I got lost on the way home. My fingers fly across the screen as I reply: Just now leaving. I'll be home soon.
I raise my head, "My parents are getting worried. I should be leaving soon anyway."
Ash has a let-down look covering his face, but Diesel seems truly disappointed.
We walk back to the house in silence. Some of the family has left, but many still remain.
Ash grins, "Olivia the griffin, this conversation isn't over yet. You still have a lot to explain, but I need to get home too."
I nod back, "Some other time I guess?"
"Yep. Well, until next time." Ash gives me a salute, and then he turns and walks across the field where a lone house sits.
Diesel walks me to my car. I'm glad to have him to myself once again.
"I guess I'll see you later tonight, Diesel." I say to him after I make sure no one else is around.
"Yeah, maybe around midnight. I have to help clean up a bit."
I nod in agreement, "I've got some things that I need to do too."
I press the unlock button on my key remote. My car's headlights blink at me in the darkness.
"I had a really good time tonight. Thanks for inviting me." I continue.
"I'm glad you could come." He gives me one of those genuine smiles.
I know that he truly means what he says. I know Diesel. When we first met as mythical creatures we had many bitter arguments, but it was all because of our selfishness and suspicion of each other.
But my feelings toward Diesel have grown so much. Whether he's an alicorn who calls himself Walker or a cheerful guy at my school, I like him for who he is as a person. Not by what he is or how cute he is. I love Diesel for who he is on the inside.
Whoa, wait! Did I just say... love? I've never used love and the name, Diesel, in the same sentence before. There must definitely be something wrong with me.
But no matter how much I deny it, I have let my feelings toward Diesel grow more than ever.
I open my car door, and get inside to start the engine. I roll down the window. Diesel puts his arms on the doorframe.
A smile tugs on my lips as he tells me, "Did I mention that I like your car?"
I roll my eyes, "Ha, you're Camaro makes my Camry look boring and simplistic."
He shrugs nonchalantly, and the simple action somehow makes my heart soar.
"It's still a nice car though." Diesel goes on.
"Thanks. Well, I ought to be going. See you in a little bit."
He raises his eyebrows as he says, "Hey, is it me or do you find it cool that we get to see each other so often, but no one has no idea that we're doing it?"
I laugh, "Yeah, I know how you feel. Unless... you don't like that seeing-"
"No, no. It means I get to see you more." Diesel says and that's the last thing he says before returning to his house.
He gives me a wave goodbye, and I immediately return it. His last words repeat over and over in my head during my ride home.
' means I get to see you more.'
I can also say the same to him.

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