A Blast From The Past

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I was sitting on the sofa, a bowl of cereal on my lap, flicking through the channels. Mainly because everything else had commercials on it, I started to watch some random daytime soap series which seemed to have been scripted by a monkey and acted by attractive people dropped on their heads as a baby. It was literally so cringe worthy sometimes that I laughed out loud.

But when a semi-attractive man went to call on his third mistress within the twenty minutes I was watching, it became too ridiculous to bear. I mean c'mon, three women? And one of them was his ex-stepdaughter? That was simply sick and incestous. I skipped to the Simpsons instead, a safe option which never failed to make me laugh.

Cam's bedroom door opened and he walked out blearily. I said hi to which he barely responded. I turned back to the television, focusing on Homer's 'Dohs!'. They never failed to get old, I thought while shaking my head.

I heard the sound of whipped cream and turned around expectantly. Cam was stood behind me, scratching his head and looking toward the TV screen.

"I thought you were meant to be eating healthy for the whole modelling stitch," I said.

He groaned and looked at the can in his hand, "I know but I miss it so much, man."

"I'm not a man, woman," I responded quickly, and he started to laugh, "but I'll have some."

Cam growled in annoyance that he couldn't have it but I could. I smirked at him, but of course I laughed too soon. He pressed my jaw shut and then clutched my face in one of his hands. He then started to spray whipped cream completely and utterly over my face, leaving no inch uncovered. I let out a scream but he was far stronger than I. The little rat had even gotten it in my hair!

Cam released me, happy with his work. I wiped my face clean, trying to salvage most of the cream but most had gone in my hair. It was disgusting. After five minutes of scrubbing I felt like I had covered most of the bases, but I had a little inkling that I was forgetting a place. When I asked Cam, he simply waggled his eyebrows and disappeared into his room. Boys were utterly useless.

I turned back to the Simpsons when I heard the pad of feet on the ground. To my relief it was a shirtless Ace ( not the whole shirtless thing, although admittedly it was a huge plus he wasn't wearing a shirt) and not an evil Cam, ready for some new way to irk me.

"You missed a spot," he said and pointed to my nose.

I went basically cross-eyed attempting to find where the whipped cream had been hiding. Ace laughed and leaned over me, before kissing the cream right off my nose. I giggled, unable to stop myself, and wound my arms around his back.


My hands dropped to the sofa and Ace jumped back, banging the backs of his legs into the coffee table in suprise. Cam was glaring at us in absolute disgust.

"Hola," I grinned.

"Since when has this been going?" Cam demanded, gesturing at Ace and I as if we had committed the worst crime of the 21th century.

"Meh, not too long," Ace shrugged and settled onto the sofa, putting an arm around my shoulders.

"And you were going to tell me when?"

"Whenever we felt like it," Ace said smugly.

Cam went back inside his room and slammed the door behind him. I rolled my eyes at Ace who laughed in return, at ease with the thought of Cam's anger. I felt kind of bad though, after all Zac and Jane knew, Tom knew (it had come into conversation at the café), and one of my best friends had been left in the dark. I couldn't really blame him for his mini-tantrum.

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