«School's website»

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A/N: This chapter evolves around Jame's and other's point of view but not literally, I use third perspective for this chapter.

   It was a blessing day to play Jame's favorite sport; soccer. Under this fine weather of 6:10 in the morning, was Jame's elite friends; Dash ,Amethyst ,Pearl and Jasper. The three ladies sat over at the benches stareing how the boys would mess up their clean uniforms at this time of the morning.

The school was empty- they supposed. The majority of the students and even teachers arrive later than 7:30. These friends always take this extra time to review their notes, play a sport or just goof around for a while. And that was definitely what James and Dash was all about when these two were together. Two friends since the fourth grade can be hard to separate; or is it?

"You suck today!" Dash cupped his mouth and yelled from the porter's lodge at James. This made the black haired boy crack a chuckle- "and you don't?" He kicked the ball and began to keep it off the ground with his fast feet. His skills are to show off when Amethyst is present at the moment, even if she would stare uninterestedly, but the boy still had the spark within him since last year that the Purple haired girl will notice him. There is a possible chance even, he thinks... She is bisexual.

Not like Dash that had a platonic fantasy with Pearl- and that's never going to happen; unless the red haired boy replaced his dick with a vagina, then it's okay.

"Hey guys, look who's in our school." Jasper cooed as she had her eyes pinned to her phone. Pearl scoots over to her and rests her hurting face over the other's broad shoulder.

"Lapis Lazuli is her name." Jasper read.

"She sounds fancy." Amethyst snorted with chips in her mouth. The two males stopped their actions and went to see what the ladies were so ocupied with.

"Who sounds fancy?" Dashed raised an eyebrow sitting next to Jasper.
James sighed as he kneeled on the floor ,folded his arms on Amethyst's lap and placed his head there. The purple girl stroked his sweaty hair as she tried to look over at Jasper's phone. "Lapis Lazuli, a new girl that signed in. I bumped in to her yesterday I think." James closed his eyes and tried not to fall asleep with the tickling of Amethyst's soft fingertips. But what woke him up was a raspy voice at the distance, all of the group's ears lit up at the sound of her voice.

"Leipis who?"

"Peridot!" Everyone said happily in unison. All ten eyes sparkled as they watched the short and slim girl swing her hips their direction. "Who's Leipis?" Peridot asked again raising an eyebrow. When she finally got close, she just stood there and crossed her light arms againts her fair chest.
"Correction; it's Lapis." James moaned at the Amethyst's touch.

"I don't care how you pronounce her name." Peridot settled her square glasses.

"Woah, why so fisty this fine morning?" Amethyst said in a teasing manor, this made the blonde pinch the bridge of her stuffy nose. "You're sick? No wonder your voice is extra raspy today." The purple one giggled.

"I won first place in the language competition, the sick part is just a plus." Peridot sighed and sniffled, then sat next to Dash. —"Why so angry you won first place?" Dash wrapped his arm around Peridot's neck, pulling her face to the sweat circles on his armpit.

"It was almost a tie and...tsk. I don't want to talk about it. Just tell me about Lapis whatever." Peri sniffled and rubbed her red nose.

Dash kissed Peridot's forhead and placed her cheek over his shoulder.
"Now I'll call you Perisnot." Dash laughed. Peridot punched his stomach and growled. —"So returning to the new girl." Jasper scrolled through her phone.

"No information here yet. But she looks like competition." Jasper elbowed Pearl.

"She's hot." James and Pearl said in unison. They both shared glares of death, Pearl flipped her Cream colored hair and scoffed. Pearl's thought of James was slightly bareable, these two didn't quiet exactly get along. But their relationship was stable to the point that they are able to tolerate each other, if it wasn't for Pearl's betrayal to James; they would've still been best friends.

James doesn't like to talk about it, but Pearl doesn't give a slight shit if it's held up for a topic to talk about, her actions don't embarrass her because she is uncloseted and proud. The skinny girl does not care what other's think, as long as her parents; which accepted her the way she is; and her friends love her no matter what. Including James, she doesn't know it, and he doesn't show it, but James deeply cares for the skinny girl ,but he is to proud to admit it. He'd rather keep a secret the feeling of older brother towards the minor Pearl than to make him look weaker than he already is. His feelings towards Amethyst has already been something to pick at.

"She's defenetly good looking." Jasper smiled at the photo of Lapis Lazuli on the school's website. It was a year old photo, so what would the Crystal gems think when they meet her in person? Oh wait...but three of them already have.

"Oh hey...isn't that the girl that looked at us in the office?" Pearl tapped Jasper's shoulder. "You're right, I think she was signing in. Imagine how many crap Mr. Dewey shoved in to her brain about us." She rolled her Yellow eyes. Pearl and Dash looked at each other, their gazes agreed with Jasper's point.

Peridot; the blonde; raised her head from Dash's shoulder and inhaled.
"We don't care about that. Ugh..." Peridot pulled her shirt up to her nose to cough inside. The group looked at each other in concern.

The blonde with short and almost sort of like a messy triangle style- let go of her shirt and continued to whine. All of her stress came out in sickness, her stomach was also feeling upside down and Peridot began to think she wasn't up for class today. She sniffled— "Amethyst, cut class with me ,I feel like shit." She wiped her heated forhead.

"Sure...maybe a quick make out sesion while we're at it?" Amethyst teased, waveing a chip in the air trying to mock the blonde girl. If Peridot wasn't so good at kissing, Amethyst would've ditched Peridot's offer. But she couldn't miss any opportunity to taste the girl's lips.
James groaned, stuffing his blushing face inside his folded arms.

Amethyst giggled and patted his annoyed hairs— "Aww, sorry 'pal. But I got a craving for some girls today." Amethyst teased the male now. He got annoyed, he thought he was getting to her but apparently not.

James stood from his position ,he wiped his dirty knees and began to walk away. "I'm going to look for that Lapis girl. See you at lunch time." James said over his shoulder.

"Call her Leipis and see what she does!" Peridot cupped her mouth and yelled at James. "Sure thing!" He responded.

Peridot stood up and grabbed Amethyst's hand. "Let's go walk, my legs are feeling numb." She hissed and Amethyst followed.


Cliff hangers are coming soon.

Here's what happened before James went to Lapis. Sorry for the lack of...everything again.
I can't decide if to continue Lapis' point of view or write what Peridot and Amethyst are up to.

[Errors will be fixed in the future.]


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