«Such a good boy»

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A/N: I want James to have some development ,so here's the typical chapter where you read what's going on in his house.

James POV

This is ridiculous, I dial Lapis' number once again on my phone and she still doesn't pick up. Well she said she would call me back so I should just wait, but waiting is boring. Eh, I'll just call Amethyst, if she ever considers to pick up her phone as well.

"This is Amethyst speaking." Hey! She actually picked up! I clear my throat and try to hide the shyness in my voice.

"Hey, Amethyst."

"Who is this?" She said strangely with her mouth full, that's weird, she doesn't eat (notice my sarcasm)

"It's James..." I sigh pulling a can of soda towards me and taking a sip. After drinking what was left, I throw the can to my trashcan and plomp myself on the bed. "What are you up to, Amethyst?" I questioned.

"I'm just watching some lame documentary." She chuckled chewing on whatever it was that she was eating.

"That sounds boring." I roll my eyes and pin my eyes at my Play station. I reach for some earphones and plug them in my phone, "Have you heard of Peridot?" I asked while placing the buds in my ears, I turn my television on and switch to a different channel, my favorite cartoon show was on; Gravity Falls.

"She's visiting her haunted house."

"What?Again?" When we hear nothing of Peridot, she's probably locked in her room playing on her Play Station, doing homework, sleeping or visiting her old house. She never really explains why she likes to visit it almost every week, but we let her if she feels relief or anything positive of some sort.

"Yeah, Saddie texted me and she said she saw her with Lapis."

"I thought they didn't got along."

"I thought so as well." Amethyst seemed to stuff her face with more food, she will eat anything you serve her. I would take her on a date but that's too much work. "Well...changing the subject." I interrupted her loud chewing, "What do you say we go to the movies?" Seriously? Did I just say that?

"I don't know, James."

"Why not? You're not doing anything."

"I know what you're trying to do."

"Please! Why don't you just let me take you out on a date?" While I was screaming at my phone, my mother walked in holding my baby brother in her hands. Her hair looked like she had a wet cat cough up a few furr balls over her head.

"James, please keep it down. I can't seem to get him to sleep." She sighed stuffing his milk bottle in his mouth. If I weren't so lazy, I would help her with my baby brother while she takes a nap but she says she doesn't need any help so I don't insist. She has some heavy eye bags and very chapped lips, she looks even slimmer than usual, she does have a very toned body though. She used to go to the gym almost everyday during her pregnancy, but now? Now she's just a sack of weak potatoes walking around the house with a six month old baby.

I glance down at my phone and bring it up close to my lips, "Don't hang up, I'll be right back."

"Who are you talking to?" My mom asked, walking in to my half messy room.

"Amethyst. I was going to invite her to the movies but I see you need a little help there." I motion at my baby brother; Max.

"Yes, I was hoping you could watch him while I nap for a few minutes."

"What?" I walk up to her and take Max from her hands, I was just as tall as her, "I'll take it from here, you go sleep your butt off." I hold my baby brother, he looked just like my mother, only that maybe his nose was a bit rounder.

My mother sighed, "Thank you, James. You have been such a good boy, you would never let me down." She gave such a relief smile that it gave me a soothing feeling in my chest. She leaned and kissed my forhead.

Hehe... Sigh... If only you knew.

"James? You still there?"

I turn around, Amethyst was screaming in my phone. I carry my heavy brother with one hand and take my phone with the other.

"Hey, Amethyst. Change of plans, I'm taking care of my brother." I smile down at his puffy cheeks, "I think I'll miss school tomorrow ,I need my Mom to rest." I sat down on the edge of my bed ,I glanced at the corner of my bedroom, it was Lapis' backpack, she left it when her aunt came to pick her up yesterday. Hey... I should call her and ask her if she likes babies.

"Babies? No thank you!" Amethyst laughed and snorted. But babe...I want to make you one since 7th grade.

"Do you think Lapis likes babies? That'll give me chance to get to know her."

"I'm pretty sure, she has a baby face so why not like an actual one?"

I lay my brother on my bed and I throw myself besides him. "Eh. You're right I'll call her. Byeee." I hang up and next I dial Lazuli's number.

C'mon...pick up... OH RIGHT! I facepalmed, she's with Peridot.

"At least I got you to spend some time." I smile at my brother, then shit hit me. Literally; the stench of his bloody shit climbed up my nose.

"HOLY SHIT!" I exclaimed. Hehe...Shit...hehe...I get it. After highfiving myself mentally, I take a clean diaper from my drawer and a few wipes, I look back at stinky max and breath deeply.

"I better survive this."


It is kind of a short chapter, but I promise James will be super important. You might think he's just an OC I splashed in to this book but him and Dash are a big part of this .Hope you enjoyed!

BTW My boyfriend created James so~ >3< Plus: He looks like Marco from Star v.s The forces of evil, just with a different name xD


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