《Lapis' and Peridot's discussion》

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Not part of the bomb

 Peridot's point of view:

 I wipe away the tears that roll down my cheeks as I push the door to my house open, Dash entered behind me and closed the door. My mother was siting on the kitchen, legs crossed, a book on one hand while the other held a mug with black coffee. She didn't notice I had arrived to the house until I tossed the keys to the crystal table in front of her. She jumped, startled and almost letting her book fall, though she did not yell at me. Instead she softened the look on her face when she noticed my stained cheeks.

 "Were you crying?" She asked, putting down the mug and the book.

 "I'll be in your room, Peridot." Dash said before leaving the room to ourselves.

 I give a faint nod as a reply, she crossed her arms and raised a brow. "May I know why?" she said robotically. She didn't care. The tone in her voice showed it. I shrugged and headed to the refrigerator and took out two cans of soda. She insisted,

 "Why are you crying?"

 "I don't want to talk about it." I say in almost a murmur, my voice apparently cracking. Yellow Diamond stood up,

 "Your father called." She sighed. I looked to her, and she didn't have a teasing grin on her face, she looked rather upset and nervous. I filled my lungs with uncomfortable air as she walked closer to me, but she stopped and leaned against the refrigerator. "I was gonna tell you when you came back, but since you're here early..." she looked to the side and crooked her lip.

 "what?" I was still dumbfound.

 "Your father called, Peridot. He called this morning."

 "You mean the bastard that left you when I was just a baby? Yeah.. and I have two legs."

 "You don't believe me?" she stood straight and placed her hands on her hips. A scowl was on her face again. It bored me. I've heard her lies before, I know most of them, and if this is a new trick I really don't have the mood for it.

 I go to my room with the two cold cans of soda, Dash was laying on my bed. His eyes glaring holes on the ceiling. When he noticed I walked in he pushed himself up with his elbows and looked up at me.

 "Your father?" he said before leaving his jaw slightly open.

 I shift my hip and roll my eyes, groaning loudly and twisting my jaw. "You as well? Can you please not touch that subject? He's dead to me." I say as I walked to the edge of the bed. I tossed a can to him and it fell on his stomach.

 "Okay..." I tell everything to Dash. He's my best friend and my confidant, I couldn't imagine a life without him. So much, I put down the soda can on the floor, go to close the door and turn off the lights.

 I crawl to Dash, "Hold me, Dash." I sniffle and already feeling the burn behind my eyes. I snuggle over his arm and nuzzle his neck. He reaches and places the can on the floor as well. (Guess they were useless...)

 "Maybe she had an emergency." Dash said softly, rubbing my arm and reaching my short hair to stroke it. And no, she didn't have an emergency. Either way, she could've told me that she simply didn't want to go on a date with me because she was too embarrassed to be on a date with me. She is cruel. So cruel..

 "You'll see her at school and you can sort things o-"

 "No. I don't want to see her. I knew I was just an experiment to her." A tear broke free from my eye, running down the bridge of my nose and drying at the corner of my other one.

 "Peridot." Dash said with authority, "You are not her experiment." he chuckled. "She must've had a very good reason to leave like that." he pinched my ear and stroked it as well. I squeezed my eyes shut, stayed silent and breathed carefully.

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