\\teaser//«Into you»\\teaser//

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So my fellow Lapidot shippers, here's a teaser of what all Lapidot shippers want to read on a Lapidot book. I warn that this chapter is LONG to be published, somewhat like 20 to 27 chapters more to go to probably get to this one. Bare with me that I write like five or three chapters and then publish them one by one.

This is just a teaser! A sneak peak, nothing really special, I can't give you the whole bite:

—her footsteps were steady, I kept my head bowed down. I could feel she wasn't looking at me either, but I don't blame her. I also was shocked by this, I don't need no more proofs, no more evidence. What I feel is something different, different, but good.

Oh gosh, look what you started.

"I wasn't expecting that reaction from them..." I dared to let the words escape my mouth, she just looked up at me and returned her gaze to her path. My eyes roll to the corner of my eye, she took off her glasses and hung them on her T-shirt, sighing she also pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Don't worry, Lapis. It's not the end of the world." She shrugged, I stopped by those words.

Not the end of the world? Wha- ,whoops wrong direction. I guess I was too distracted by the thought of (...) i followed her by accident.

"And besides...it's not a big deal." Peridot shrugged, walking towards the doors to a new flight of stairs. She held it open with her heel and looked at me with half opened eyes, a dark color spreading around her cheeks.

"Well...for me it was." I cracked.

"I know who I am now, I'm still the same Leipis you met back in September, Peridot, I'm not playing with you... what happened (...)"

"Well why did you do it?" She frowned, her small nose wrinkling in the action.

"I was blind, why won't you understand?"

"No...YOU won't understand... I-"

Ok there you go, muaahhh
Remember to smash your OCs here


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