《Sports, quotes, Fathers and Ballerinas》

469 21 19

Yellow Diamond's point of view:

 "Yellow Diamond." What the hell is that disgusting sound? It's so annoying and repetitive. It makes my stomach upset and my head hurt. 

 "Earth to Yellow Diamond." There it is again. What can I do to make it be quiet? Maybe pay attention to it?

 I turn to the side of my bed, it was my daughter. (Unfortunately). Her face was as morning as ever: Her dark circles, her stinky breath, her messy and tangled hair. If it wasn't enough she was wearing one of my new animal print underwear, now, where the hell did she get that from? 
 I glare at her, she glares at me and pulls my sensitive ear,

 "OW! You twerp, don't pull my ear!" I hiss, hitting her face with my morning breath.

 "Get up! I'm hungry!" She sat on the edge of my bed and shook my hip. I roll my eyes and sneak my arm under the pillow to shift to my other side. She kept shaking my hip and wouldn't leave me to rest. Today is my day off and the least I deserve is five more minutes of sleep. 
 My boyfriend and I had sex and he still kissed me goodbye, i'm pretty sure he'll be calling me again and not just leaving forever like some people. I made him diner for God's sake.

 I felt a shocking pain on my forehead when she flicked me awake. "Finally. You look horrible." she pointed out.

"You don't?"

"Go make me breakfast." Great. Now she is giving me orders? I'm the authority here, she should be following my commands. But I have no choice either, I hold my stomach and I feel it growling like a beast. I made my way to the bathroom and did the usual; Peridot left the toothpaste open again. Then to the kitchen, luckily it was all tidy up from last night. It's a chore I can eliminate for the day. This way I can go surprise Marty in his house in the afternoon. 

 I open the fridge and it's nothing but an entrance to loneliness and sorrow. Leftover turkey and rice, eggs, half gallon of milk, some pancake mix and orange juice. I didn't feel like pancakes this morning. 
 I reach for the eggs and put them over the counter, cracking three in a pink bowl and mixing them together. Suddenly ,Peridot leans and watches me.

 "We're eating eggs again?" she raised a brow.

 I drop the fork and drag an annoyed sigh, "Well if you want something different go to the store and buy some bread and ham." 

 And with that she took her weird ass somewhere else. I do not know where, but it's somewhere where it does not bother me. Though she leaves almost every day at random times of the day and comes back at night, in rare times on the next morning. I pretend not to concern but deep inside I do. But i shouldn't let her discover my weak side. I have to be as cold as ever. 
 "if only Robert was here to help me.." I sigh to myself, relaxing my shoulders and pouring the mixed eggs into a hot pan. 

 "Who's Robert?" a raspy voice startled me, making me drop some of the hot eggs on my thigh. I curse under my breath and look bad at her. "Who's Robert? Is it the man you brought last night?" She insisted, like a mosquito buzzing near my ear.

 I put the bowl and the fork on the sink and pinch the bridge of my nose. I can already feel the first migraine coming on its way.-- "He's a friend."

 "Another 'friend', Yellow Diamond? Didn't you already sleep with someone last night?"

 "Excuse me? He's really just an old friend. Do you always think all the friends I bring home I sleep with them?"

 "Yes." She sounds sure, and when she sounds sure she's possibly right. But I haven't slept with everyone that's stepped into this house. I mean I never slept with that guy from work.. what's his name? Eh. I don't know but I mean i'm not planning on sleeping with him. I have a new boyfriend and he is loyal to me ,same as I am with him.

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