《Stars don't shine as bright》

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Thanks to the annoying loolnobye for the character James. I'll probably add more of his cool characters later on.

James' point of view

If my brown hair is correct, I think Homewood students will be walking around starting today or tomorrow. This announcement is the green flag for them.

Destroy our school supplies, write lies on the walls, do anything that damages the school and the students in them; that's what the 'green flag' means to them. But we can't really stop them. Mrs. Alexandrite strictly said that this school should be a place of peace and harmony, no matter how many Devils may enter through the doors.

"I don't understand this.. why so early?" Peridot groaned leaning against Dash's arm. He looked down at her with concern,

"We know.. but you're gonna crush them. We know it!" I said to her with a swingy fist ,obviously trying to cheer her up. She doesn't exactly have a good reputation thanks to them,

"Of course I'm going to crush their miniature knowledge with my perfect one, but I wasn't mentally prepared to deal with Onyx now,"

"Seems like Homewood has done some serious  business to you," Lapis crossed her arms and popped one of her hips out,

"You'll see what I mean when they start to come here for no good reason at all," Peridot wrapped her small arms around Dash with a blush, then stuffing her flushed face in his red hoodie. Dash placed a hand on her back, and with the other stroked her messy blonde hair,

"Well why don't you just.. not participate in the brain olympics?" Lapis said- oh no she's gonna trigger Peridot-

"What?!" Her face unhid itself from Dash's hoodie and bursted to her gaze between her glasses- "This school depends on me!" She frowned and pointed at herself, "I've won the Brain Olympics two years in a row!"

Oh um.. ehem? She means we won ,if it weren't for us Homewood would've won by default.

Dash and I frowned to each other and then glared back at Peridot, but she didn't notice, she was way to bothered explaining to Lapis how "intelligent" She was.

"And what do you guys win? Money? A plastic medal?"

"We win respect! That's all we need!"

We actually win like lots of money and some trophies but yeah.. respect is good too.

Lapis widened her eyes and rolled them, "Well I guess.."

Ha!!! If Peridot keeps yelling at her she might decline her date! I wasn't spying or anything haha


After our little chat of homewood. We discovered Lapis doesn't care at all about it because she's never interacted with them :)

We ditched school.. yeah! You heard me! James ,such a good boy skipping school like this? That doesn't sound like me.. yes. YES.

"I wonder if the girl feels very uncomfortable with the man being naked besides her in the morning," Lapis questioned as she passed the bowl of popcorn to me. She was sitting in the middle with Peridot while me and Dash were in the corners,

"Why are we even watching this? This is very fake, so put something worth watching," Peridot scolded and stuffed her hand in the bowl in my hands, then stuffing her mouth with the popcorn.

I took the controller and searched for other shitty shows or movies to watch, when suddenly.. under the old but good category was-

"Woah!!! IS THAT SECRETARY ROSE!?" Lapis shouted and almost knocking the popcorn off me,

The Cliff's Edge: A Lapidot Highschool AU FFWhere stories live. Discover now