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*Cheesy guitar music* 2 days later...
Warning: contains a bit of nsfw, curious Lapis, dancing. & Uh...well just read.

FREACKING CRAP! A SNAKE IS IN MY BOOT! Oh no wait it's just a centipede.

The day before yesterday was very friendly. The next one was more than average, and today was finally Saturday! A peaceful weekend where I was assigned to clean up around the house by my aunt... mmfh... great.

I woke up early today just for that, I cleaned all the dishes after breakfast and watered the garden. When my aunt took a snooze at mid-day ,I seized this to go ahead and wash the dirty laundry, dry it and fold them all. I was feeling very slave-like today, but my aunt has an extra ache in her body and I wanted to help with what I can. Though this is a mansion. I would probably need some help...

I called James a few times but to no avail. I tried calling Dash as well but it sounded like he was hanging up his phone. Pearl's and Garnet's phones are turned off and I don't have Peridot's number. So my last choice is Aqua. Wait... I think I don't have her phone either. Ugh. Today is going to be very boring. I seriously wanted to chill by the pool with any of them.

Well who says I can't? I can chill alone, I could use some me time.

After I made sure all the basics were done, I ran up to my aunt's room. She was still fast asleep in her air conditioned room, so I quietly close the door and tiptoe to my room. It smelled like Clorox because I had to clean up that shower. This room was the unoccupied one ,so when my aunt found out I was moving in with her she made everything new, except for the shower...

Hhmmm... what swimsuit should I wear? Well what the heck? nobody's gonna see me. So I might as well jump in in these shorts and t-shirt. But I wanna get a tan.

Shuffling through my drawers, my fingers get tangled in this white bikini bottom. It was... very thin, it might as well not be there.

"I'm gonna be a stripper..." I chuckle to myself ,go to the door and lock it to then phase off my clothes. I slip on the bikini bottom and the behind seemed to be sucked by my buttcheeks. It was almost gone, just the top line that was there for the sake.

"Mffhh... this is tight."

Looking in the mirror, I didn't look half bad. I looked way fine. I could woo any boy with this, they can stare at my round butt while the dimples on my lower back compliment the sight.

Ugh...w-what am I saying? No wait...I might as well keep going.

Glancing down at the opened drawer, I spot a white fabric in the corner. It was the top part, I quickly tie it on. It was also very thin, my nipples were practically the only things covered here. It also was thin by fabric, if it was cold my nipples were to poke out. But enough thinking about whatever is going on down here. Let's just have a relaxing day by myself over at the pool.


I grabbed a towel and put it on my shoulder while I poured myself a glass of wine.

It's not wine, it's grape juice but hey 101% vitamin C damn.

Walking to the back of the house, the shinny and crystal clear pool was staring back at me.

"GET IN ME, LAPIS! GET WET!" The pool shouted at me, I nodd in response.

I sit on the edge, dipping my feet and calfs on the cold and sweet water. Curling my toes at the feeling of bubbles underneath me. I place the towel besides me and fancily take a sip off of my baby wine. It was so sweet and refreshing to feel the coldness run down my throat and fall into my stomach. Today was gonna be a fist full of satisfaction.

The Cliff's Edge: A Lapidot Highschool AU FFWhere stories live. Discover now