«Story time with Garnet»

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Art by: Beautysnake (tumblr)

I got no sleep at all. These Crystal gems got me runnin' wild. Plus: it's Monday, so two terrible things I have to carry with today. I literally dragged my feet across the hallways and I finally reached Mrs. Sugilite's classroom, she was handing some blank papers- oh crap. I'm even twenty minutes late, I can't wait for her to yell at me for being late and bringing no excuse.

I dropped myself on the first empty seat I could find which was by Garnet's side, I think Sugilite didn't even catch a glimpse of my existence until she stood besides Garnet to hand her two blank papers. She glanced at me with a raised brow, grabing one wing of her glasses and settling them on her face awkwardly before walking back to her desk. "Please take out your history text books, I want you to pass everything that's in chapter 11, which is from page 120 to 129,"

Ay nooooooooo

"It will add 105 points to your note and as bonus points for the exam. I'll discuss the new chapter tomorrow, I just need you all to write this down. If my ass decides to let you use this paper in your exam, well we'll see." She chuckled, slamming her suit on her desk and opening it to shuffle through more papers.

I could literally feel the bags under my eyes drag my eyelids down. I folded my arms over the desk and hid my terrible face that not even eyeliner could disimulate. All of these questions inside my head were just knocking on the door of my brain. I seriously don't want to be killed because of the Crystal Gems. I think I'm falling into an anxiety or nervousness of some sort.

I suddenly feel a gentle grasp on my shoulder and a soothing British accent enter my ears, "You alright, love?" Garnet calms me the fuck down. Slay me with that accent, Garnet. Slay meeeeee.

"I'm fallin' appart," I peek one eye to look at her concerned face, "I didn't sleep at all. Dash almost crashed twice and I found out some creepy jazz."

"Mmm," She hummed, "Poor thing. Do you want me to write this down for you?"

Yes. That would be glory.

I don't want her to think that I'm taking advantage of her because of my lack of energy today, nonetheless I still nodded my head and slided the blank paper to her. Turning my head to the side I see her left, flawless & long hand take the pen between her fingers, placing the tip on the paper and writing away super quickly. The sound of the gliding pen through the paper and desk was very relaxing, so much that my jaw stretched in a long yawn. Her right hand placed on my back, rubbing circles and a line all the way up to my neck where she massages very slowly.

Through my lips escape a humming sign of pleasure, my eyelids fall like gravity grasped them. My lips part and I exhale, her majestic long fingers squeezing in all the right spots, releasing all the knots I had in my muscles. "You're very tensed, babe." Garnet reminded, I nodd. "Keep doing what you're doing, though." I groan and scoot slightly closer to her. She chuckles and keeps massaging my neck, then going to my shoulder and giving it a tight squeeze.

"LAZULI!" A roar exploded inside my ears, instantly making me bolt out of my position and sitting like a stick. "You're not here to sleep you're here to work." She snapped and stood up, walking toward me. That sudden movement made my energy just drain down completely. My shoulders slouched down and so did my position, my body slided down a bit and my head tilted to the side, my eyes threatening to close again.

"Wake.the fuck.up." Sugilite tapped her finger on our desk.

"I caaaaaaaa-" my sentence was interrupted by my own loud yawn, my swollen eyes just giving me a blurry sight of the round teacher.

"Well you can go sleep your ass in the principal's office," she said pointing at the door. Garnet suddenly stood up and put the objects to the side, "I'll take her, I don't want her passing out in the middle of the hallways."

I literally limp outside with Garnet behind me, in a second I was lifted off the floor by my underarms. "You're a feather." Garnet giggled ,bringing my back to her chest and wrapping her arms around my stomach. My head dropped to the side and I closed my eyes again, but when I opened them I wasn't even near the principal's office. I was in this closet, it was the janitor's room, but it was mostly empty and very clean.

"W-what?" I could only get out of my mouth, "Why did you-" "Ssshhh. I'm not taking you to the office, it's not your fault you couldn't get any sleep."

Garnet pressed her back againts the dusty wall, sliding both of us down. I settle my self downer on her massive thighs and use the soft and jiggly things as my pillows. Her majestic and heavenly hands start to caress both my cheeks, then up massaging my temples and finally playing with my blue locks. I close my eyelids. My body was laying on a hard ground, but my pillows were just amazing. Garnet was really nice, the nicest of all the Crystal gems.


"Yes, love?"

"I can try and sleep, but it'll be worthless. I need to know something," I raise my chin as if I were to look at her brown eyes but I still held mine closed.

"If it'll make you rest I can tell you anything." I felt Garnet's smile.

"What are you guys in to?"


"I mean...are you guys selling drugs or something?" This made Garnet chuckle.

"I won't lie to you. We do. Or we did? I don't know about the rest, but we did for a while. But it all got out of hand, we promised each other we wouldn't anymore."

"But if you promised each other," My own yawn interrupted me again, "Why do you still think they do it?"

"Just because you know someone's surface for nine years doesn't mean you trust them."

She said that...kinda' sad. I hope she's alright.

I half open one of my eyes, hers are looking to the side of the room with sadness and hate and anything eyes could scream out loud.

"Are you alright, Garnet?"

"I am."

I still don't believe.

Garnet softly placed her thumb over my half opened eye, forcing me to close it. "Go to sleep, I have to go back to class. I'll come get you at lunch time, yes?"

"That sounds nice..." I mumble, I could feel myself go. I drift off to sleep with the heavenly touch of Garnet's hands on my face and hair. With one last line she traced on my jaw she got to make me fall asleep. Deeply. I couldn't hear anything, but-

"I wish you knew..."


A short and insignificant chapter for ya'll.


The Cliff's Edge: A Lapidot Highschool AU FFWhere stories live. Discover now