《Faded Flower》2

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Something different to experiment to write chapters..

Lapis' point of view

In the quiet wind that was surrounding me, only the sound of leafs bumping into each other and happy chirping birds resounded in my ears. Exactly what I needed. Relaxation. Some time for myself, some time to think and reflect.

The trimmed grass was scraping my legs ,so I hugged my knees and rested my chin on them, sometimes just looking down at the dark green grass, as well as up to the bright blue sky where yellow butterflies were prancing and twirling.

Through the wonderful sounds of nature I heard some fast steps squish the grass underneath them. I raise my gaze. It was James. A look of concern on his eyes as if I had a bleeding scar on my face.

He blinked twice, "Why are you here..alone?" He offered me a kind smile with arched eyebrows. He came and sat besides me, tossing his backpack to the side, but then grabbing it again to place it behind his back.

"I wanted to be alone." I sigh, he would never understand what I'm feeling. I didn't even understand what was happening. I was feeling so.. scared? I don't even know why ,though.

"Did Aquamarine do anything to you? If she did I'm going to-" He raised his fist but I took it in my own,

"She did nothing to me." Only lie to me..

"Hmm. Alright then. I just don't want anything bothering you.."



"Why do you people take me into your.. craziness? I just came here because my parents- uh. T-they ..ugh." I bury my face into my knees, my face burning and eyes threatening me to cry.

"Look, I'm not going to force you to tell me anything you don't want to. I want you to not feel like we're crazy and bad kids that're dragging you to do stuff you don't want to," maybe that's exactly how I feel.. "If you don't want us close anymore I get it. Just don't tell anyone you even said a word to one of us.."

That will forever stick with me. Know you and be your witness, ignore you and then you won't exist? What is wrong with the Crystal Gems? What's wrong with you, James?

I rolled my eyes, raised my blushing face and looked to the bright blue sky. I wish my mind could be clearer as it, there's no clouds, just the blue and the bright sun that was behind the shade of the tree. It was very calm, only that James was making a storm occur.

"You're such a hypocrite.. all of you are if they think the same as you." I mumbled the last few words but (obviously) he was able to hear me.

"Lapis. Let's make a deal," He leaned a bit closer to me, "If I can get to understand you, you make an effort to understand us. Simple." James punctuated, a smirk long enough that I could see without looking directly at him. He sounded challenging at first, as if he tried to turn this in to a game of some sort, but I wasn't gonna play along.

At first I groaned but then glanced at him, "What if we can't do neither?" I shrunk into my shoulders and half closed my eyes.

"I'm very sure we can at least do one of those things," James said with a soothing tone and a kind grip on my shoulder. I took a good look at him this time: his dark skin was darker in the shade, his grey eyes were darker as well. A contrast that I would've never noticed if I didn't ran terrified to hide under this tree. He has many different personalities, all I gotta' do is get to know them all.. all I have to do is.. understand.

"Okay," I chuckled and forced a smile into my lips, them almost cracking and burning the open skin. My cheeks kept blushing for some reason, I couldn't tell why but they just were.

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