《Friendly fire》

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 Blue Bomb: Give your heart a break

 Peridot's point of view:

 Then it was night time. A chill went up my spine when I could feel deep inside me Christmas was near. 

 I was standing outside of Lapis' mansion, I could hear some very fast and loud steps come from the top floor. I could watch how lights flickered on and off from a specific window, I was guessing that was her room. I should remember that.
 The front door opened, it was a very dark front part. I could barely see her, since I decided to not wear my glasses today.- Lapis fiddled with some keys in her hands until she managed to open the brown gate. By what I could see with my blurry vision, she was wearing a black dress with some patent leather slippers and an amazing eyeliner. It wasn't winged but still amazing. It made her blue eyes pop out very much.

 Looking at her, I couldn't help but to glance at myself and feel under dressed. I was wearing a grey band T-shirt with weird flower patterns, black jeans and adidas shoes? Where the hell did those come from?

 "Hey, Peridot." Lapis shyly said, brushing a blue lock behind her ear and looking down at her expensive shoes. God, she is so beautiful.

 I fidget and my knees shake. I loudly gulped and stepped aside, opening the door for her. "Get in." I managed to spit out. It sounded rather rude, which it was not my intention.

 She raised a brow, but chuckled it off and stepped inside this junky car which I didn't even bother to clean up. Suddenly, my back pocket vibrates. It was my phone and my mother was calling. I rolled my eyes and immediately hung up, I didn't want her to ruin a special night for me. And besides. I need to admire Lapis' beauty tonight.

 I close the door and enter through the driver's seat, pulling the plank out of the 'P' and straight into that 'V'-- I MEAN 'D' ;D.

 I didn't say a word, instead bursted out of the pathway and very fast into the road. Lapis took a deep breath, as if she got a bit startled.

 "Are you okay?" I asked, glancing at her long enough to notice her phone was inside her cleavage and her hair was messy in a sexy way.

 "Yeah..why?" I could see her from the end of my eye that she was looking at me with a smirk. I blinked twice and savored the dry taste inside my mouth.

 "You inhaled very deeply, so I thought you were not feeling at your best." I cleared my throat.

 I suddenly felt a gentle grab on my thigh. I looked at her and she had a warm smile. "I'm nervous, too." she lightly chuckled. Is it that obvious? I hope not. I don't want to look like a complete mess tonight.- But I could actually feel way more relaxed knowing that she understood my current emotions, and more if she was feeling the same.

 "I am aware of that.." 

 "Hmm. What movie are we watching?" Lapis chirped. 

 "Well.. I was gonna let you choose."

 "OKAY! WELLLLL! There's this horror one I really wanted to watch with you." HORROR FILM? Maybe I could use that as an excuse to cuddle with her in the theater.

 "That sounds great, Lapis."


 "Two for 'The devil's mouth', please." Lapis said cheerfully to the angry dog for woman attending the customers. The woman slides two tickets to her and glues her tired eyes to the screen again. 

 Lapis grabs my wrist and pulls me inside the empty theater. Practically sprinting toward the snack bar and demanding some large popcorns with one large soda. She was way more excited about the date than I was, and I probably should be,too. But... How can I if my nerves are stronger? I can't help but to feel like i'm about to ruin everything with a slap of words.
 But shaking those thoughts out of my head, Lapis had already payed for the food and she had it all coupled it up together. She tilted her head and signaled me to the cinema.

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