«Sports, quotes & the mama bird»

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«Sports, Quotes & the mama bird»

A/N: There's a bit of nastyness in this chapter and I guess I'll be updating every Saturday and/or Sunday so ...let's see how this goes.

Lapis POV

  Me and Pearl sat next to each other on the bleachers, she was playing with her short Pearl colored hair while staring at the other girls play volleyball. We were in P.E class and I honestly hate it, I am not made to do anything that involves too much work, or... Anything including my delicious bony body really.

"Pearl and Lapis! Get over here!" The fat gym teacher yelled blowing on his whistle between his fat and greasy lips. Damn he's hot. Not really...

Pearl groaned, she stood up and pulled down her very short blue shorts and headed over to the court, the sick teacher kept staring at her like she was a screen. His eyes shifted to me and he blew on his whistle again, "What are you waiting for?" Love me like you do...lo-lo-love me like you do...

  "I'm coming." I said a bit embarrassed, I don't have much knowledge about Volleyball but I guess I can try my best.

I walk over to the center of the court and glance at Pearl, she was signaling me to her side. I sigh and stand a few feet behind her. It was a two on two friendly game.

  "'You ready to-"

  "Oh just throw the ball already!" Pearl cupped her mouth and yelled at the red head on the other side of the net. It was Dash- wait...I thought this was a girl match.

  "Dash? What are you doing here?" I asked, he smiled and spun the ball on his finger like a show off.

  "Dear, I'm always up for some cute girls wearing shorts.", oh my God what a pervert.

  "Just throw the freacking ball already." Pearl groaned again, she flipped her hair and stood in a squad position. I tried to stand the same way but I bet I was looking like a retarded ostrich giving birth.

Dash rolled his eyes, he threw the ball up in the air and hit it .It came flying towards my direction, just as I was about to hit it Pearl jumped before me and slammed the ball back to his side. I thought I was playing too.

"Mine!" The girl behind Dash called, she put her fists together and hit the ball effortlessly, though it wasn't enough to take it to our side so Dash joined in and tossed it towards us.

Again; the ball was coming towards me, I put my hands together and run towards it. "Mine!" I called, but Pearl shoved me off and hit it to the other side.

This is getting annoying.

"Let me hit the ball, Pearl!" I yelled like a little child, she looked at me with enlarged eyes. She looked at Dash for a second, then a grin formed on her lips. She opened her arms smoothingly, "all yours." She smiled.

"Thank you." I rolled my eyes, turned around and in the blink of an eye a hard ball flew across my face. I shrieked at the blow and fell to the floor, a shot of laughters headed my way.

"I thought you were supposed to hit the ball." Dash laughed and walks over to me, he extended his hand and I pull myself up with his help.

"Very funny." I said with a crack, all the gym group began to laugh at the swollen skin that was slowly palpitating on my cheek. The laughter filled my brain with angry thoughts, I was desperately planning on each and every one of their deaths. But I couldn't because I can't even fry some fries without running behind the counter every time it pops.

Dash holds my wrist, slowly pulling it away from my aching cheek. He blushed a little, "Oh, it's starting to-"

"I know." I interrupted, moving my hand and placing it again on my cheek.

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