«The Light in the dark»

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Lapis' POV

James nibbled on his pencil as he scrolled through his phone. The classroom was empty, well...almost.

A few people were sitting on the back, maybe three or four. As I glance back at the strangers in their seats, they all give me a polite smile and short wave. I return the gesture and turn back to my position awkwardly, returning my gaze to the chalk board that still had a few things written on it. The black haired boy was ignoring his surroundings completely, his expression of concern was pinned to his phone. By what I could peek, he was in the messaging app, supposing he got bad news.

"Is everything okay?" I poke his shoulder. He instantly turns off his phone and slides it inside his pocket, he didn't use words, instead he nodded frankly and gulped for some reason. "It doesn't look like it." I wrinkled my lips. He sighed and shrugged in a guilty zone, his grey eyes raise to look at my dark blue ones.

"It's that..." His eyes enlarged, he hesitates to tell me & he decides not to. Instead; he stalled and pointed at the see through door- "Hey! It's Garnet!" He blurted out nervously. I jump and turn my head rapidly to the thick girl walking in to the half empty classroom. She had immense curly hair that was tied in to a high pony tail. She wasn't wearing a skirt like the rest of the girls I've seen- She was wearing tight black pants and a blue and red strap on each shoulder. I didn't even notice her awesome shades until she settled them while blowing a bubble with her gum.

"What's up ,Jaimmie?"

Uuhh! And she has a British accent!

The dark skinned girl laughed and walked over to us. She sits on the table infront of us and turned her chair to us, then folding her arms over the table and pressing her fairly big breasts againts them. It was hard not to look at the perfect round shape they took, I could see the line of her bra.

"I told you not to call me that." James blushed. "That's my mother's name." He groaned vaguely.

"But it sounds better on you." Garnet giggled and poked Jame's nose.

Eh. She looks like a nice girl. Or boy. Oh my god... Is she heterosexual? Is she a lesbian? She looks like she likes to use "he" pronouns. I don't want to sound stupid here...

"Whatever...Garnet, I think you haven't met Lapis Lazuli here." James eyes at me. Garnet holds out her hand and I grab it, her hand was long and light, a punch from her surely wouldn't hurt.

"Garnet Woods, babe." She shakes my hand.

"Hehe...L-Lapis Lazuli." I giggle nervously and stutter, I brush off some set of hairs that snaked around my face- Exposing my blushing cheeks.

"Is it okay to call you "babe"?" She held my hand with one hand and with the other she lowers her shades, her dark brown eyes came to show and I gulp at her intimidating gaze. "Yeah, there's no problem." I force a smile. She lets go of my hand and returns to fold her arms. She pushes her shades back up and chews on her gum.

"So Jaimmie... Where are the others?" Garnet asked. James shrugged- "I think they're still in the soccer field."

"Negative, I already checked there. But I do think I saw Peridot and Amethyst behind the bleachers." Garnet tapped her head trying to remember.

"Agh, really? Were they kissing?" The boy whined.

"You don't care what they were doing, neither do I." She laughed slapping her thigh. Oh goodness... What a goddess.

Now that I inhladed deeply, she had the scent of oranges, it was nice. No mixed fruit, it smelled specifically like oranges. She fluffs her perfect curly hair and rolled her eyes at the sound of Jame's whining -"Get over it, James. Amethyst is not going to notice you." She showed a grin. Garnet took off her shades and hung them on her shirt. Her dark brown eyes were very pretty, very calm to look at- yet intimidating if you stared at them for too long. This girl sure is a mystery, I wonder how many secrets she holds, she looks like she has hundreds... Maybe she keeps them all in her boobs...maybe that's why they're so big.

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