《Play date》

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Very short chapter ahead:

Peridot's point of view: 8 years ago

It's over isn't it? Here is my end, here is where it all finishes. The final boss with the final desicion over me , this is.. the end.

"JUMP!JUMP! YOU'RE NOT JUMPING!" Onyx roared besides me, coaching me and manipulating me to help me beat the final boss in my 2DS game. He was feeding me baby carrots so my eye sight stayed clear and wide awake. I have been waiting 49 levels for this..

"I'm jumping!" I squeacked, pushing the button so furiously that it stayed pressed for a moment.

"There! Now jump over his head, Peridot!" Onyx exclaimed pointing at the white fading lines pointing at the big turtle's head. Specifically an orange mane that carried, it reminded me of Jasper. Come to think of it.. where is Jasper? Eh. She'll be back eventually.

With my little red, chubby man I ran toward the big turtle monster and slammed it's head with my foot. Knocking him off the high place and into the burning pit of lava, leaving nothing but his skeleton.

Yes! I did it!

"There's the princess," Onyx pointed out, the girl with a puffy pink dress and long blonde hair was waiting for me behind a metal gate. The small man picked her up in his short arms and took her out of that ugly looking castle. They both looked so happy. Do I have to look for a princess in order to be happy?

"Yay! I finished the game!" I bought? -Pfftt yeah I bought- this game yesterday and I haven't stop playing because I had to show Jasper and Onyx just how awesome I am at these games! "But..what now?"

Onyx shrugged, his light brown eyes went wide and rolled, "We steal another game to play?"

"Sshhh! You fool! You do not use the S word so loosely in this house!" I slap his forehead and he rubs it with a pout.

"Hey! That hurt.." He pouted and his eyes got watery, "You don't have to slap my forehead like that," He crossed his arms and looked away,

"I'm sorry! You got me triggered,"


"JASPER NO!" The fat and greasy girl with two pig tails began to dance her heart out, making my mother's humble wooden house shake as if there was a life ending earth quake here. I was exaggerating but that's how it felt like..

She intertwined her legs and did a twirl, unbalancing herself and falling and hitting her head on the edge of the bed. "OW!" She cried while rubbing her head and messing her pretty pig tails.

"YOU'RE GONNA MAKE MY MOM ANGRY, JASPER!" I whisper-shouted to her, my face getting lit red with anger.

Jasper pouted, making the cookie crumbs on her face shimmer along with all the grease, "sowy.." She put a finger over her lower lip, "but I couldn't help myself! That word makes me wanna dance!" She smiled, a chocolate chip stuck between her two front teeth.

"Dancing is not really my thing," Onyx stood up and giggled,

"I love dancing! I wanna be a dancer!" Jasper stood up as well and gave a twirl of joy, making the toys on my shelfs shake.

"To be a dancer you have to be.. how do I say this.. good at it?" I rub my chin and place my 2DS over my lap,


"Listen Jas," I took my 2DS ,placed it over my bed ,stood up and wrapped my arm around Jasper's neck. She was ever so slightly taller than me. (Onyx was about the exact height as me) ,"Who better to tell you than me that you have no talent whatsoever!" I laughed and slapped my hand over her chest,

The Cliff's Edge: A Lapidot Highschool AU FFWhere stories live. Discover now