《To the enemy show mercy》

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Lapis' point of view:

 I held myself as I walked toward a dark and scary parking lot, only one broken down light barely illuminating half of the place. It was a bit far from the Central Commercial, the place where I found Peridot and she took me to an old house to tell me about a Magician and a Thief. Yes. I remember that story perfectly.

 Geel was pressing her fingers against my back and pushing me toward a dark silhoutte, it had blinking and bright glowing blue eyes, smoke drawing out of them and a threatening grin on it's face. I couldn't feel myself, my feet were sliding through the dirt, building it up under my shoe but Geel still pushed me until Onyx was right in front of me.

 "You brought Lapis?" Onyx sounded more surprise than me. I went wide eyed and looked over at Geel, she had a smirk on her face.

 "She actually wanted to come with us, Onyx. She wants to seek about something." Geel had never looked more smug before. She eyed to Onyx and I turned to look at him. It took me by surprise that his face was inches away from mine. 

 "What pretty blue eyes you have." He bit his lip with a smirk.

 "There's no time for that," Painite growled and walked behind him, "She wants to know about the obvious."

 "Well ,Painite, the only power I don't have is the power of guessing." Onyx turned his head and glared at the red haired girl. He returned his gaze to me and one of his brown eyes sparkled a bright blue. It sent shivers up my spine.

 "So you are all creepy fellas who have weird supernatural powers?" I Glared deeply into his glowing eye. He stepped back and chuckled.

 "The answer is...yes. But it's friendly magic. We won't hurt you." He said. Turning around and behind his back was his hand holding onto his other fist. Somehow I thought it was his book like magic sending all the negative vibe into me. It felt like the tip of my fingers were getting cold yet hot inside. It felt very uncomfortable ,specially since everyone started to be so quiet every time he opened his mouth to speak. 

 Onyx turned to look at me and leaned against an old and junky car. So junky it looked like it belonged in the garbage. And the garbage leaning against it scratched the back of his neck with a ticked out look. He sighed, "You see here, Lapis. Magic is what you want it to be. Good or bad, Useful or Useless, Scary or not. And honestly, I've never used them to harm anyone." He shrugged. I could just tell by his crooked lips that he was choking on his lie. 

 I swallowed dryly and built enough courage to say what I wanted to since the beginning of my worry.-- "There was a very important dancing audition back at Beach City,"

 "Ah yes. I had the pleasure to be there." He promptly interrupted, making a hollow feeling form through all my torso. I felt my neck close up and I couldn't say anything else, but he watched how my dumbfound expression explained the rest. I was shook, nonetheless, I kept talking.
 "Well I had the luck to be a witness of a shooting whilst I was on stage." I crossed my arms and scowled.

 "I thought I heard you were a dancer, too." He giggled underneath his hand, he approached me and placed a soft hand over my shoulder whilst his lips hovered over my ear as he was gonna walk behind me. "You look great dancing in white bikinis." 

 All the hairs on my body stood on their very end ,but I couldn't do nothing. Who knows if everyone here saw me dancing half naked or doing other stuff. Yet, all of that embarrassment could wait for later.

 "Shut up." was all I could say with a fluorescent red on my cheeks that spread all over to my ears. I brushed my hair and cleared my throat awkwardly before trying to speak again and fix the damage. "I just want to know if you knew who Margaret and Chad Lazuli were."

The Cliff's Edge: A Lapidot Highschool AU FFWhere stories live. Discover now